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STDF working group taking place this week

Posted on Mon, 17 Jun 2024, 07:35

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Working Group will meet from 20-21 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The meeting, which will be chaired by Sarah Brunel - Team lead of the Implementation and Facilitation Unit at the IPPC Secretariat, will discuss several issues including the STDF Gender Action Plan and ongoing efforts to mainstream gender in STDF projects, ongoing STDF-supported projects and information exchange on interventions such as the IPPC’s Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Strategy and the Africa Phytosanitary Programme (APP).

The STDF Working Group consists of technical-level representatives of STDF’s partners and donors, experts from developing countries and representatives from Secretariats of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the IPPC. It reviews and approves the STDF’s work programmes and funding requests. Read more about STDF here.

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