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Safe provision of food and other humanitarian aid to prevent the introduction of plant pests during an emergency situation: CPM-Recommendation 09 now available in all FAO languages!

Posted on Fri, 11 Jun 2021, 13:00

CPM Recommendation on “Safe provision of food and other humanitarian aid to prevent the introduction of plant pests during an emergency situation” adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures at its fifteenth meeting in March 2021 is now available on line in all FAO languages! Visit: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/89786/

This recommendation was prepared to provide clear guidance on the effective management of pest risk associated with commonly provided food and other humanitarian aid following two consultations in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The provision of food and other humanitarian aid assists regions or countries that are at risk of food and economic insecurity as a result of conflict, crop failures, and natural disasters. The recommendation applies the principle of phytosanitary preparedness and response to the provision of urgent disaster-relief assistance and encourages recipient and exporting countries to develop adequate response plans and use guidance available in adopted standards. For more info, see: https://www.ippc.int/en/news/keeping-food-secure-and-free-from-pests-tackling-pests-in-food-aid/

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