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Reminder: Deadline approaching for IPPC survey on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Posted on Thu, 30 Nov 2023, 11:56

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to inform the plant health community that the IPPC Observatory survey on fungicides use, launched on 26 October, will be accessible until 15 December 2023.

The online survey can be accessed at this link.

This survey is the second phase of the IPPC Observatory's antimicrobial resistance survey. By taking the survey, countries will provide information on the usage of fungicides in plant protection activities, to enable the IPPC Secretariat to provide guidance on protecting plant health from potential antimicrobial resistance of pests to fungicides.

Countries that missed the opportunity to participate in the first survey on the use of antibiotics in plant protection, can submit their responses via the following link

The results of the survey will be provided to the IPPC community, in compliance with the non-disclosure of countries' sensitive information.

IPPC contracting parties are strongly encouraged to take the survey through the IPPC Official Contact Points.

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