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Published: Africa Phytosanitary Programme (APP) Brochure

Posted on Mon, 11 Mar 2024, 11:50

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to announce the publication of the Africa Phytosanitary Programme (APP) brochure.

The brochure describes the APP, an initiative through which the IPPC Secretariat is empowering countries in Africa to use modern, scientific approaches and digital tools to strengthen their phytosanitary capacity to monitor, detect, respond, and prevent plant pests, especially those affecting agricultural commodities of trade and economic significance. By building the resilience of their phytosanitary systems, countries can prevent the entry or spread of pests in their territories. The APP pilot phase is underway in 11 African countries, with a vision to support more countries in five years.

Read the brochure here.

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