Language versions for first consultation draft ISPMs and Specifications are now available
Posted on Mon, 06 Jul 2020, 08:23
Dear IPPC CPs,
The French and Spanish versions of the following draft Specifications and ISPMs are now available for review and commenting for first consultation via the Online Commenting System (OCS). We apologise for this brief delay.
Draft Specifications:
- Annex to ISPM 38: Annex 1 - Design and use of systems approaches for phytosanitary certification of seeds (2018-009)
- Criteria for the determination of host status for fruit flies based on available information (Annex to ISPM 37) (2018-011)
Draft ISPMs
- Audit in the Phytosanitary context (2015-014)
- Draft Annex to ISPM 28: Irradiation treatment for Sternochetus frigidus (2017-036)
Kind regards,
IPPC Secretariat