Posted on Wed, 20 Jul 2022, 09:28
© FAO/Vladimir Rodas
Rome, 14 July 2022. The Standards Committee (SC) of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) held a virtual meeting on 13-14 July to advance the work of its technical panels and to discuss other matters.
The IPPC Secretariat and stewards of the technical panels, namely the Technical Panel for the Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms (TPG), the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT), the Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols (TPDP), and the Technical Panel on Commodity Standards (TPCS), updated the SC on their respective activities for the year. Among other decisions, the SC noted the technical panels’ updates and acknowledged their tentative work plans and upcoming meeting dates. In addition, the SC highlighted the possibility of other streamlining actions in the technical panels’ activities which will be discussed at the SC November 2022 meeting.
The SC also approved, with amendments, the Explanatory document of ISPM 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) – Annotated Glossary: 2022 version, which will be available on the Explanatory documents for ISPMs IPP web page soon.
Amongst other matters, the SC confirmed their representatives for the 2022 IPPC Regional Workshops and for the CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers. It also noted an update on the Framework for Standards and Implementation.
The SC is set to meet in person, tentatively scheduled on 14-18 November, at the first face-to-face SC meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic. With anticipation, the Committee members have reviewed the potential agenda items apart from the routine revision of draft ISPMs and recommendations to the CPM for adoption.
The latest meeting report will be available on the IPPC SC web page (click here).