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IPPC Consultation Period is now OPEN!

Posted on Thu, 01 Jul 2021, 11:47

The 2021 consultation period has opened today, 01 July 2021!

As there are a large number of IPPC drafts and documents open for commenting during this consultation period, RPPOs and NPPOs are advised to prioritize their reviews in the following order:

  1. Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) and draft specifications for ISPMs
  2. Draft CPM Recommendations
  3. Draft Implementation and Capacity Development documents

For more information please go to the individual consultation pages linked above for the complete list and due dates for commenting for draft ISPMs, draft specifications for ISPMs, draft CPM Recommendations and draft specifications for Implementation guides and training materials.

Comments should be submitted through the IPPC Online Comment System (OCS): https://ocs-new.ippc.int/. If you need assistance to use the OCS, please visit the OCS resource page or contact the IPPC Secretariat at [email protected].

Any private sector representatives wishing to provide comments are encouraged to present their comments through their respective NPPOs or RPPOs, in accordance with the Convention.

For any other questions, please contact the IPPC Secretariat at [email protected].

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