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Deadline extension for the IPPC surveys on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Posted on Sat, 27 Jan 2024, 10:22

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for the IPPC Observatory surveys on antibiotics and fungicides. The new deadline for submissions is Monday, 5 February 2024.

The purpose of the surveys is to gather information from countries on fungicides and antibiotics usage in plant protection.

The online survey on fungicides can be accessed at this link: http://forms.office.com/e/V6t2SWmRye.

Countries who missed the opportunity to participate in the first survey on the use of antibiotics, can still respond through the IPPC Official Contact Points via the following link: http://forms.office.com/e/TnrCdGjUEv.

The results of the surveys will be provided to the IPPC community, in compliance with the non-disclosure of countries' sensitive information.

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