Posted on Thu, 10 Dec 2020, 18:18
Rome, 10 December 2020. The CPM Bureau held its last virtual meeting for 2020 today, revising the CPM-15 Provisional Agenda and tentative schedule and discussing key elements emerging from the latest meeting of the Strategic Planning Group (SPG), such as the implementation plan for the development agenda items of the IPPC Strategic Framework 2020 – 2030 and the proposal for a CPM focus group on communications.
The CPM Bureau agreed to hold the next CPM session through virtual means, aligning with the latest practices to accommodate the necessary safety provisions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision is subject to confirmation by CPM, and a letter will soon be sent to the IPPC contracting parties to explain the modalities to provide such confirmation. In this regard, the IPPC Secretariat created a secure platform to collect feedback by IPPC contact points, whose details will be communicated shortly.
Following CPM Bureau discussions, the revised CPM-15 provisional agenda was posted today at the following link:
The proposed CPM-15 session schedule is as follows:
Today’s CPM Bureau meeting marks the end of a high number of successful sessions for 2020, which saw the active role of the CPM Bureau and IPPC Secretariat in stepping up in an unprecedented situation, ensuring continuity to the delivery of the IPPC work plan as well as uninterrupted cooperation with IPPC contracting parties.
The CPM Bureau report will soon be available at
Visit the CPM-15 page for further details and to access the papers: