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Belgium dedicates a special 2 Euro coin to plant health at the occasion of the IYPH 2020

Posted on Fri, 06 Mar 2020, 18:01

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Brussels, 5 March 2020 – The Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment of Belgium and the Royal Mint of Belgium issued a 2 Euro commemorative coin to promote the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020. In presenting this special initiative, the Belgian Minister of Agriculture, Mr Denis Durcame, highlighted the importance of raising awareness of plant health in European Union countries. To reach this public awareness objective, 600 000 coins will be put into circulation during the year, as the outcome of a close cooperation with FAO.

“We must continue to protect the plants. They not only feed us, but also play a major role in our ecosystem - just think of the vital role of photosynthesis. At the same time plants represent a fully-fledged economic sector. This 2 Euro coin, issued within the framework of the International Year of Plant Health, will allow the general public to be more aware of the importance of protecting our plants!”, stressed the Belgian Minister at the official launch event that took place at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Speakers of the event also included Mr Rodrigo De Lapuerta Montoya, Director of the FAO Liason Office with the European Union and Belgium; Mr Ralf Lopian, Chairman of the IYPH International Steering Committee; and Mr Harry Arijs, Deputy Head of Unit of Unit in DG SANTE of the European Commission.

Mr De Lapuerta highlighted that "FAO and Belgium have been strong partners for 75 years. Among the top priorities of our partnership is sustaining plant health, in particular through supporting the development and implementation of the standards of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), of which Belgium has been a contracting party since 1952".

The IPPC Secretariat welcomes the Belgian initiative promoted by the IPPC contact point for Belgium Mr Lieven Van Herzele as a model activity to be undertaken at the national level to advocate for plant health among different stakeholders, including the public. In this regard, the IPPC Secretary, Mr Jingyuan Xia, invites all the countries to emulate Belgium as an active player in this global campaign.

Read the official press release (available in French and Dutch): https://news.belgium.be/fr/un-piece-de-2-eu-pour-promouvoir-lannee-internationale-de-la-sante-des-vegetaux

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Belgian Minister of Agriculture, Mr Denis Durcame at 2 Euro coin launch event in Brussels. Photo provided by the NPPO of Belgium.

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Mr Rodrigo De Lapuerta Montoya, Director of the FAO Liason Office with the European Union and Belgium at 2 Euro coin launch event in Brussels. Photo provided by the NPPO of Belgium.

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Speakers at 2 Euro coin launch event in Brussels. Photo provided by the NPPO of Belgium.

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