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11 adopted IPPC International Standards at CPM-15 (2021) now available in all FAO languages!

Posted on Tue, 15 Jun 2021, 12:14

At its fifteenth meeting in March 2021, the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures adopted the following 11 International Standards, now available in all 6 FAO languages at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/ispms/:

ISPM5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms2018 Amendments

ISPM 8 Determination of pest status in an areaRevision

ISPM 44 Requirements for the use of modified atmosphere treatments as phytosanitary measures

ISPM 45 Requirements for national plant protection organizations if authorizing entities to perform phytosanitary actions

ISPM 28 Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pestsAnnexes:

  • PT 33: Irradiation treatment for Bactrocera dorsalis
  • PT 34: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Prunus avium, Prunus salicina and Prunus persica
  • PT 35: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Prunus avium, Prunus salicina and Prunus persica
  • PT 36: Cold treatment for Ceratitis capitata on Vitis vinifera
  • PT 37: Cold treatment for Bactrocera tryoni on Vitis vinifera
  • PT 38: Irradiation treatment for Carposina sasakii
  • PT 39: Irradiation treatment for the genus Anastrepha

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