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Technical Panel to develop diagnostic protocols for specific pests

ICPM-6 identified the need for diagnostic protocols for specific pests to be recommended to the Standards Committee. To do this, a Technical Panel on diagnostics was proposed. The Technical Panel will produce diagnostic protocols for specific pests utilizing the format for diagnostic protocols established by the Expert Working Group. The Technical Panel will work on, in particular: - producing diagnostic protocols for specific pests; - proposing flexibility within specific protocols for a range of methodologies for different situations; - identifying priorities for specific protocols to be developed and submitted to the SC (i.e. availability of existing regional standards and/or protocols used by individual countries; suggestions for new protocols;criteria for clarification and agreement on diagnosis); - determining the mechanism for production of protocols and any rules of procedure (i.e. the requirement for sub-groups; commissioning individual experts to write draft protocols; specifications for the production of individual protocols); etc.

Type: Technical Panel
