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IPPC workshop on the practical application of ISPM No.15

The workshop is being held to address the practical application of ISPM No. 15 (Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade), particularly for developing and least-developed countries, and to facilitate national ability to implement this standard.

The workshop will:

provide information and guidance for National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) on the implementation of ISPM No. 15 facilitate the discussion and analysis of difficulties in implementation build consensus on how to resolve implementation issues to ensure this standard is implemented in a consistent manner worldwide introduce and refine materials which will provide guidance to NPPOs on the implementation of ISPM No. 15 encourage participants to develop draft implementation plans for the national implementation of ISPM No. 15 discuss how to engage relevant stakeholders at a national level, notably the private sector, in the implementation of ISPM No. 15.

Type: Workshop / Seminars
