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Information Exchange Support Group

The International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) Support Group will being meeting to review the IPP and make plans for its further development.

Support Group Members: Chairperson: Mr Jan Schans (Netherlands), [email protected]

Mr Peter Olubayo Agboade (Nigeria), [email protected]; [email protected] Mr Alhousseynou Moctar Hanne (Senegal), [email protected] Mr Dwi Putra Setiawan (Indonesia), [email protected] Mr Birol Akbas (Turkey), [email protected] Mr Richard Voigt (Germany), [email protected] Mr Alberto Saccardi (Italy), [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Mr Håkon Magnus (Norway), [email protected] Mr Patrice Sinave (Canada), [email protected] Mr Roman Vagner (Czech Republic), [email protected] Mr Ian Smith (EPPO), [email protected] Mrs Clare Smith (EPPO), [email protected] Ms Maria Julia Cardenas Barrios (Cuba), [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Ms Heather Hartzog (USA), [email protected] Mr Sidney Suma (SPC), [email protected]

Type: Other
