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2011- Focus group for improving the IPPC standard setting process

CPM-6 recognised that it would take many years for all standards on the list of topics for standards to be adopted, however countries needed diagnostic protocols and phytosanitary treatments urgently. It was proposed that the process be changed to speed the development of standards under the special process.

There were also concerns expressed about managing a lengthy and extensive list of 146 topics for standards and priorities. A reprioritisation of this list would likely be difficult and take time. The CPM decided that a focus group for improving the IPPC Standards Setting process would be the best option to consider these issues provided that the SC provided input.

The CPM approved a terms of reference (attached below) for the focus group, which included examining the member consultation period, particularly in the 14 days prior to CPM, re-examining and streamlining the approval process for ISPMs under the special process and examining new efficiencies and expedited ways of achieving standards setting work.

Type: Focus Group
