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Appropriate level of protection

"Appropriate level of protection" is a term appearing in the WTO-SPS Agreement which is a key factor in selecting phytosanitary measures in policy making. It is often difficult to clearly define the term and to determine the appropriate level of protection. The expert working group is tasked with drafting a standard to provide clarification of the term and guidelines on how it may be determined in relation to pest risks.

Steward: Mr Fuxiang Wang, China ([email protected]) Host: Ms Ana Lilia Montealegre ([email protected]) Rapporteur: Mr Ian McDonell ([email protected]) CPM Bureau: Ms Reinouw Bast-Tjeerde ([email protected]) Members: Ms Velia Arriagada, Chile ([email protected]) Mr John Greifer, USA ([email protected]) Ms Diana Guillen, Argentina ([email protected]) Mr Christopher Hood, Australia ([email protected]) Mr Howard Pharo, New Zealand ([email protected]) Ms Gretchen Stanton, SPS ([email protected]) Mr Nico van Opstal, EPPO ([email protected])

Type: Expert Working Group
