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Classification of commodities by phytosanitary risk related to level of processing and intended use-2nd meeting

It is generally acknowledged that the level of processing and intended use of commodities may result in different levels of risk. This may result in differences in the application of phytosanitary measures. The expert working group is tasked with developing a draft ISPM to provide guidance for facilitating the classification of different types of commodities into phytosanitary risk categories, taking into account level of processing and intended use, and guidance for determining risk management measures expressed as import phytosanitary requirements for plants, plant products and regulated articles.

Steward: Mr Diego Quiroga, Argentina ([email protected]) Host: Ms Petra Müller, Germany ([email protected]) Rapporteur: Mr Samuel Bishop, United Kingdom ([email protected])

Members: Ms Velia Arriagada, Chile ([email protected]) Ms Karen Bedigian, USA ([email protected]) Ms Jantje Moen, South Africa ([email protected])

Type: Expert Working Group
