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Alternatives to Methyl Bromide

With restrictions on the use of methyl bromide (MB) and decreasing availability of MB, alternative strategies for quarantine purposes are needed. The expert working group is tasked with drafting a guidance document to provide the framework for the consideration of the development of specifications for a standard on alternatives to MB.

Steward: Mr Ringolds Arnitis, Latvia ([email protected]) Assistant steward: Mr Steve Côté, Canada ([email protected]) Host: Ms Julie Aliaga, USA ([email protected]) Rapporteur: Mr Larry Zettler, USA ([email protected])

Members: Mr José de Mesa, UNEP ([email protected]) Mr Ken Glassey, New Zealand ([email protected]) Mr Tetsuo Ogita, Japan ([email protected]) Mr Christoph Reichmuth, Germany ([email protected]) Mr Mohd Ridzuan, Malaysia ([email protected]) Mr Yuejin Wang, China ([email protected]) Mr Scott Wood, USA ([email protected])

Type: Expert Working Group
