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Phytosanitary system in the Republic of Macedonia

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Reporting Obligation
  • Description of the NPPO
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Phytosanitary system in tne Republic of Macedonia Phytosanitary system in tne Republic of Macedonia includes the following national bodies: - Phytosanitary Directorate (NPPO) - Phytosanitary inspection (State Agriculture Inspectorare) - State phytosanitary laboratory (SPL) - Public services in the area of plant health (PS’s)

  1. Phytosanitary Directorate (NPPO) The Phytosanitary directorate (NPPO) is competent body for performing activities regarding the plant health in accordance with this law, responsible for coordination and exchange of information among state authority organs and bodies and for informing the European Union and decides in first instance in administrative procedure for issues in the area of plant health. The Phytosanitary directorate shall be also responsible for implementation of the international conventions, agreements and contracts in the area of plant health, which the Republic of Macedonia has ratified. 1.1. Obligations and tasks of the Phytosanitary directorate Besides the obligations determined by other provisions of this Law, the Phytosanitary directorate shall be responsible for performing the following tasks and obligations: 1) cooperation upon the formulation and implementation of the phytosanitary policy in the area of plant health; 2) drafting legal regulation and performing management and administrative tasks in the area of plant health and supervision over their implementation; 3) monitoring, forecast, determination of measures for protection against harmful organisms; 4) analysis and evaluation of the health status of plants in order to define the emergence and spreading of harmful organisms in the country and abroad; 5) preparation of evaluations of the risk if there is a risk for emergence or detection of new harmful organisms, providing technical instructions and measures; 6) elaboration of technical databases upon the establishment of infected areas, areas under threat of attack, specially regulated areas and protected zones; 7) keeping registers, records and lists determined by this Law; 8) adopting programs referring to the preventive measures against entry and spreading of harmful organisms, as well as taking care for the implementation of the programmes; 9) implementation of measures for prevention, eradication and extermination of harmful organisms; 10) phytosanitary inspection and inspection supervision over the implementation and application of the provisions of this Law; 11) provision of phytosanitary measures; 12) expert control of the performance of the tasks by the authorised persons in accordance with this Law; 13) Notification for emergence, sudden emergences and spreading od harmful organisms in the country and abroad; 14) drafting reports, analysis, information and other material for the official bodies, organs and international organizations to which the Republic of Macedonia is obliged to submit reports in accordance with the regulations and on the basis of the international contracts; 15) informing the countries exporters on the stopped consignements not meeting the phytosanitary requirements; 16) cooperation upon the drafting of international contracts, conventions and agreements concluded by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in the area of plant health, as well as taking care for their implementation; 17) taking care for informing the public and those interested in issues in the area of plant protection and issue of publications; 18) taking care for the implementation of uniform procedures in accordance with the regulations and international requirements; 19) maintenance of the information system in the area of plant health; 20) providing expert and technical training of the employed in the Phytosanitary directorate; 21) cooperation with other official bodies, organs and organisations in the country, as well as abroad in their area of competence; 22) Representation of the Republic of Macedonia in international bodies, organs and organisations in the area of plant health and 23) performing other tasks related to the plant health and determined by law.

  2. Phytosanitary inspection (State Agriculture Inspectorare) Phytosanitary inspection is department within State Agriculture Inspectorare, which includes two different units:

  3. Unit for internal phytosanitary inspection and
  4. Unit for border phytosanitary inspection. 2.1. Tasks and authorisations of a phytosanitary inspector Any phytosanitary inspector shall be authorised to: 1) access to plants, plant products and other objects at ant time and at any place where they can be circulating, producing, processing, storing, selling or using in any way, as well as in customers premises and during import, export, reexport and transit. 2) perform phytosanitary inspection of plants, plant products and other objects at any time and place where they can be circulating, producing, processing, storing, selling or using in any way, as well as in customers premises and during import, export, reexport and transit. 3) perform supervision of harmful organisms, thus collecting and recording data related to the presence of or absence of harmful organisms. 4) verify phytosanitary documentation of natural persons and legal entities. 5) take samples of plants, plant products and other objects without compensation for their value in order to perform laboratory analysis. 6) confirm whether producers, processors, importers and distributors of proscribed species and types of plants are entered into adequate register.
    7) monitor the meeting of the conditions necessary for plant passports issuing.
    8) perform inspection supervision over the fulfilling of the obligations of persons responsible for the health of plants according to the register, in accordance to the present Law. 9) perform inspection supervision related to whether public institutions, natural persons and legal entities having authorisation for providing of public services in accordance to the present Law, fulfil the proscribed conditions. 10) perform inspection supervision over the fulfilling of the tasks of entities providing public services. 11) perform inspection supervision over the issuing of plants passport; 12) issue phytosanitary certificates for export and reexport;
    13) perform inspection supervision of registers and proscribed records; 14) perform phytosanitary inspection of import, cultivation and usage of organisms intended for biological protection of plants;
    15) perform inspection supervision over the import of plant protection products; 16) perform inspection supervision over the implementation of measures in accordance to the present Law; 17) perform inspection supervision over the implementation of measures in accordance to the present Law; and fulfil other tasks related to plants health.
  5. State phytosanitary laboratory The State phytosanitary laboratory shall be established within the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water economy, having the status of a Bureau. This Laboratory shall be competent for specialised laboratory tests of plants, plant products and other objects in order to diagnose and determine harmful organisms, biological examinations, examination of physical and chemical properties of products for plant protection, analysis of active substance and analysis of seeds and seedling material.
    This State phytosanitary laboratory shall be managed by a director, appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia following a proposal of the Minister of agriculture, forestry and water economy.
  6. Public services in the area of plant health (PS’s) Public services in the area of plant health are activities for performing works in the area of monitoring, forecast of harmful organisms and other activities in the area of plant health especially:
  7. monitoring of the development of harmful organisms usually present at the plants, plant products, forecast, determination of optimal terms and measures for protection;
  8. intervention in case of sudden emergences of quarantine pests of the plants, calamite phenomenon and epiphytotics of harmful organisms;
  9. provision of meteorological, biological and other data for the purposes of monitoring and forecast of the emergence of harmful organisms;
  10. laboratory determination and diagnosing of harmful organisms; – education of the owners and other persons included in the implementation of the activitities related to the plant health;
  11. issue of plant passports;
  12. implementation of scientific and research and developing activities;
  13. performing disinsectisation, disinfection and deratisation for the plant health and
  14. performing other technical activities.
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