Several B. dorsalis specimens were detected between Douglas to Prieska, Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality, including Groblershoop, Karos, Upington, Kakamas as well as Augrabies, areas alongside or close to the Orange River, in ZF Mgcawu District Municipality, in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The detections were encountered on several occasions between 07 February and 29 May 2019, respectively.
The identifications of all the fruit fly specimens were confirmed by the nominated local fruit fly expert by means of molecular analysis. Phytosanitary actions were implemented to control the movement of fruit from the area under delimitation. Eradication which included the application of protein bait sprays, deployment of male annihilation (MAT) blocks and strict field sanitation within the quarantine area, were initiated.
After 8 weeks with MAT and baiting, a 4 week monitoring period followed, there were no further detections. Therefore, supporting declaration of the status of areas from Douglas to Prieska as well as between Groblershoop to Augrabies as free from the presence of Bactrocera dorsalis, as this pest has been successfully eradicated. Therefore, the status of the pest in point in this area is: Eradicated.