General import requirements and fees - Council Directive 2000/29/EC
Imports for trials, research and work on varietal selections - Directive 95/44/EC
Rules for reduced plant health checks - Regulation EC/1756/2004
Products recommended for plant health checks at reduced levels
Identity and plant health checks at a place other than the EU entry point - Directive 2004/103/EC
Requirements for the import of wood packaging material and dunnage - Directive 2005/15/EC
Emergency Measures Decisions on: Xylella fastidiosa (Well and Raju) - Decision 2015/789/EU; Anoplophora glabripennis - Decision 2015/893/EU; Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) - Decision 2012/138/EC; Phytophthora ramorum - Decision 2002/757/EC; Pinewood nematode - Decision 2012/535/EC; Pomacea (Perry) - Commission Decision 2012/697/EU; Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidae - Decision 2012/756/EU; Epitrix spp. - Decision 2012/270/EU; Gibberella circinata - Decision 2007/433/EC;