Coleosporium plumeriae is a regulated non quarantine pest of Singapore. A monitoring survey with a sample size of 246 was initiated from Jan 2009 to Sep 2013 to determine the prevalence of this pathogen in Singapore. A total of 280 samples had been collected and examined, of which 24 came from post entry inspection of 2000 Plumeria samples (Source: Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia). All 280 samples were found to be infested with Coleosporium plumeriae. The above results confirmed that the situation of Coleosporium plumeriae is officially declared as Present: in all parts of the area where host crop is grown. The prevalence of this rust pathogen on imports was estimated to be 1.2% (24 out of a total 2,000 imports for the period surveyed). The status of this RNQP would be reviewed.