With the effective from 1 Apr 2019, a Singapore Food Agency (SFA) will be firmed to replace the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) to oversee Singapore’s food safety and security while all non-food animal and plant related functions of AVA will be transferred to the National Parks Board (NParks), which will be the lead agency for animal, wildlife management as well as for animal and plant health.
In line with this reorganisation, effective from 1 Apr 2019, the NParks under the Ministry of National Development of Singapore is the National Plant Protection Organisation of Singapore. The official contact point remains the same person as below: Ms Yap Mei Lai Director, Plant Science & Health National Parks Board 6 Perahu Road Animal & Plant Health Centre 718827 Singapore Email: yap_mei_lai@nparks.gov.sg
The Plant Science & Health (PS&H) in NParks is responsible for the plant biosecurity - regulation of controlled products, inspection, export health certification, risk assessment, maintenance of health standards, accreditation of exporters and treatment facilities and quarantine pest surveillance. In addition, the PS&H also comprises of the plant science laboratories i.e. National plant health laboratories to provide diagnostic support for export certification, plant and soil health matters and the subject matter resource in plant health ie pest management strategies, risk assessment, surveillance etc.