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Confirmation of occurrence of Banana Bunch Top Disease (BBTV) in Mozambique

old revision
Publication Date
Thu, 22 Dec 2016, 09:16
Last Updated
Dec. 22, 2016, 9:16 a.m.
Report Number
Pest Id
Banana bunchy top virus - (BBTV00)
Report Status
The BBTV virus is a specific pathogen and only infects bananas, plantains, and banana-like plants such as Strelitzia and Helliconia (Robinson, 2015)
Pest Status (old values from ISPM 8 -1998 )
  • Present: only in some areas
Pest Status (ISPM 8 - 2021)
  • Present: not widely distributed and under official control
Geographical Distribution
The banana bunch top virus is occurring in two districts of Gaza province in Mozambique. The NPPO of Mozambique depending needs to conduct survey in all banana growing areas as flowing: Maputo, Manica, and Nampula provinces, to confirm the presence or absence of this disease in this areas.

BBTV is the most serious viruses of all banana viruses and causes a devastating disease called Banana bunch Top Disease. The earliest symptom of BBTV is a series of dark green lines on the otherwise pale green underside of the leaf petiole where it branches away from the pseudostem. These lines often show a “dot-dash” symptom like Morse code. The best leaf to identify this specific symptom is the second youngest leaf, but at a very early stage of infection, the symptom is indistinct. Also, the second youngest leaf may be high up on a mature plant, necessitating a ladder to check the petioles closely. Banana bunchy top virus is spread between banana plants by the banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa). It is spread over longer distances by the movement of infected planting material. In Mozambique The disease was first official reported in June 2016, in a commercial farm located in Guija District and in a small farm in Chokwe District, Gaza Province. After the report of the disease the NPPO of Mozambique together with South African scientists visited the infested plantation where samples from both plantation were collected for diagnostic at DUROI laboratory in South Africa. After confirmation the Mozambique NPPO produced and multiplied 500 copies of leaflets and 100 posters to raise awareness of banana producers about the impact of the disease, trained technicians and extension officers, employees, small holder farmers and households. For management of the disease the affected banana producers with assistance of the Mozambique NPPO are controlling the aphid (vectors) and destroying the infected plants.

The BBTV disease is a quarantine pest and it represent serious danger for banana plantation in Mozambique as well as for neighboring countries due to its impact on banana produce. The NPPO of Mozambique is engaged to organize awareness campaigns at all level of banana producers in order to stop the spread of the BBTV within the country and to negbering contry where it daes not occure. There is a need to conduct survey in all Banana plantation for mapping the disease in order to better manage the pest
Contact for info
Serafina Mangana Head of Plant protection Department of Minstry of Agricultura IPPC contact point DSV- Recinto do IIAM- Av. das FPLM; CP 3658 Maputo Mozambique Email: serafinamangana@gmail.com Tel: +258 21 460591 Cell: +258 849115729 Antonia Vaz Plant protection Seccion under the Plant Protection Department DSV- Recinto do IIAM- Av. das FPLM; CP 3658 Maputo Mozambique Email: a.vaz5099@gmail.com Tel: +258 21 460591, Custodio Mendes Email: customendes@gmail.com
Report files
Word document in portuguese
Issue keywords
Viruses/virus like organisms
Commodity keywords
Bananas, incl. plantains, fresh or dried

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