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Changes to Canada"s list of plant genera regulated for Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death)

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Canadian holders of permits to import nursery stock have been advised of their responsibility, when proceeding with an importation, to check the current status of plant genera on their issued permits, in case one or more of the genera have been added to the official Phytophthora ramorum host list since the permit was issued. In this regard, the cooperation of our trading partners is also requested to ensure that certified shipments meet Canada"s import requirements. The current Phytophthora ramorum host list is provided in the CFIA"s policy directive D-01-01, "Phytosanitary Requirements to Prevent the Entry of Phytophthora ramorum", and can be found on the CFIA website at http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/protect/dir/d-01-01e.shtml.

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