The papaya mealybug is native to Mexico and the Central America. It has invaded the caribbean archipelago in the years 1990 before expending gradually to all tropical regions of the world. Following its accidental introduction in Ghana in 2009, it was reported for the first time in Cameroon in 2011 and was recovered in May 2013 in the Littoral Region, precisely in the town of Douala. The PM is now present in the Littoral and Centre region. Beside the papaya plant, its preferred host, the papaya mealy bug attacks many others plant species including crops, weeds and ornamentals. Plants of economical importance are cassava, cocoyam, yam and avocado etc. Damages on papaya plant are huge and can lead to the death of the plant in case of explosive population. The current limited distribution of the PM in Cameroun is an indication of its recent introduction. Effort are now undertaken to limit its expansion and its introduction to the main papaya production area in Cameroon (Unpublished data).