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Standard setting

The development and adoption of standards, recommendations, diagnostic protocols and phytosanitary treatments is currently the major role of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures and the IPPC Secretariat. FAO provides a neutral forum for members to negotiate such international instruments as the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). IPPC standards are recognized by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as international benchmarks for trade in plant commodities.

The WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) recognizes standards developed under the auspices of the IPPC as the only international standards for plant health. International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) are adopted by the Commission and come into force once countries establish aligned requirements within their national legislation. The standards of the IPPC are recognized as the basis for phytosanitary measures applied in trade by the Members of the WTO.

The standard setting work of the IPPC is led by the Commission’s Standards Committee. The Standards Committee (SC) is supported by various technical panels, expert working groups, and the IPPC Secretariat.

The Standard Setting Unit is committed to efficiently facilitate the development of harmonized international standards through a transparent and inclusive process meeting the needs of contracting parties.

IPPC Standards
Standards Committee
Expert Drafting Groups
Adopted Standards Approved Specifications Standards Committee Technical Panels: Former Technical Panels: EWGs

Standard Setting Process

List of topics
Drafting standards
Consultation and review
Adopting and publication

Title Files Publications date
2021 tentative work plan for the IPPC Secretariat: Standard Setting Unit En 15 Mar 2021
IPPC Phytosanitary Treatments search tool
24 Apr 2018
2020 work plan for the IPPC Secretariat: Standard Setting Unit En 06 Dec 2019
2023 tentative work plan for the IPPC Secretariat: Standard Setting Unit En 07 Nov 2022
TPPT Treatment Research Guidelines
20 Dec 2018
CPM Recommendations and Procedures
Link Link
15 May 2018
2022 work plan for the IPPC Secretariat En 18 Nov 2021
Current Consultations for CPM Recommendations
15 May 2018
IPPC Standard Setting Procedure
25 Oct 2016
Brochure: The role of the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures En Es Fr Ru Ar Zh
26 Jan 2021
Brochure: An introduction for authors of IPPC Diagnostic Protocols
07 Dec 2016
Factsheet: An introduction to the standard setting process
07 Dec 2016
IPPC style guide
12 Jul 2024
Presentation: the IPPC Standard Setting Process (Updated after CPM-11 (2016)) En 04 May 2016
Language review group process
TPDP instructions to authors
Procedure Manual for Standard Setting
11 Jan 2021
TP Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
SC Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
Standard Setting Unit at a Glance (2016)
17 Mar 2017
Standard Setting Unit staff (as of August 2024) En 12 Sep 2024
Introduction to international phytosanitary terminology
Link Link
23 Mar 2017
Factsheet: The draft ISPM on the International movement of grain
06 Oct 2017
Factsheet: Phytosanitary electronic certification
06 Oct 2017
New sitemap for the SSU pages En
2024 Tentative work plan for the IPPC Secretariat: Standard Setting Unit En 27 Nov 2023
Annotated template for draft ISPMs En Es Fr 16 Feb 2024
Annotated template for draft PTs En 12 Feb 2024
Annotated template for draft specifications En Es Fr 16 Feb 2024

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