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SPG 2020 - extra

An extra session of the 2020 SPG is being organized on Tuesday 10 November 2020 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm (Rome time).

Registration will be open for IPPC contracting parties, Regional Plant Protection Organizations, CPM Bureau members and Chairpersons of the Standards Committee and Implementation and Capacity Development Committee via Zoom.

Please keep visiting this page for updates.

Doc # Agenda # Title Files Publications date
01_SPG_2020_Nov 02.1 Agenda En 30 Oct 2020
02_SPG_2020_ Nov 03.1 Documents list En 09 Nov 2020
04_SPG_2020_ Nov 05 Prioritisation and staging of the Development Agenda programmes across the ten years of the IPPC Strategic Framework – US discussion paper En 23 Oct 2020
05_SPG_2020_ Nov 04 Strategic review of the SPG – US discussion paper En 23 Oct 2020
06_SPG_2020_ Nov 05 Prioritisation and staging of the Development Agenda programmes across the ten years of the IPPC Strategic Framework – New Zealand discussion paper En 30 Oct 2020
07_SPG_2020_ Nov 07 Resource mobilization En 04 Nov 2020
08_SPG_2020_ Nov 06 Review of 2021 Work Plan and Priorities of the IPPC Secretariat En 05 Nov 2020
03_SPG_2020_Nov 03.2 Participants List En 09 Nov 2020

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