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Communication & Advocacy

Creating awareness over the importance of plant health and the global role of the IPPC is extremely important as the IPPC profile has traditionally been too low. Therefore, all IPPC Communication and Advocacy activities are targeted at improving the profile of the IPPC at the national, regional and global level. Increased recognition should also lead to improved support and sustainable resources.

The IPPC communication efforts are based on the IPPC Communications Strategy, whose [current version][1] has been adopted by CPM-8 (2013), and the IPPC Annual Communication Work Plans developed under the auspices of the IPPC Task Force on Communication and Advocacy.

The IPPC is making use of many different opportunities to promote itself and increase support. Therefore, the IPPC has introduced annual themes to promote specific aspects of the IPPC mandate on an annual basis. For the period 2016-2019 the IPPC will focus on the following themes:

  • [2016 Plant Health and Food Security][2]
  • [2017 Plant Health and Trade Facilitation][3]
  • [2018 Plant Health and Environmental Protection][4]
  • [2019 Plant Health and Capacity Development][5]

More work is being done by the IPPC on climate change - see presentations below at [Milan 2015 EXPO][6] and [COP23 in Bonn][7].

In addition, IPPC contracting parties are endeavouring to get the United Nations to proclaim [2020 the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH)][8]. Many IPPC activities are building to generate awareness and support for this endeavour.

A significant amount of advocacy material to promote the IPPC and is already available through the [IPPC Media Kit][9].

Other materials are available on the FAO [YouTube channel][10] and on other social media accounts: [Twitter][11], [Facebook][12] and [LinkedIn][13].

Here is the [link][14] to access IPPC photos available online.

[1]: https://www.ippc.int/static/media/uploads/ippc_communicationsstrategy_cpm8_2013.pdf [2]: https://www.ippc.int/en/themes/food-security/ [3]: https://www.ippc.int/en/themes/trade-facilitation/ [4]: https://www.ippc.int/en/themes/environment-protection/ [5]: https://www.ippc.int/en/themes/capacity-development/ [6]: https://www.ippc.int/en/news/ippc-at-expo-milan-2015/ [7]: https://www.ippc.int/en/news/ippc-community-strongly-represented-at-climate-change-cop-23-in-bonn-germany/ [8]: https://www.ippc.int/en/iyph/ [9]: https://www.ippc.int/en/media-kit/ [10]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzp5NgJ2-dK4T7GE2fsGujftlxSX1rCTC [11]: https://twitter.com/ippcnews [12]: https://www.facebook.com/ippcheadlines/ [13]: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3175642 [14]: https://www.ippc.int/en/resources/media/photos/

Doc # Agenda # Title Files Publications date
Milan 2015 EXPO presentation En
COP23 side event - Presentation 1 Mirko Montuori En
COP23 side event - Presentation 3 Ralf Lopian En
COP23 side event - Presentation 4 Viliami Kami En
COP 23 side event - Presentation 5 Dean Solofa En

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