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Training Material on Pest Risk Analysis Based on IPPC International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

Three international standards for phytosanitary measures (ISPMs) on pest risk analysis (PRA) have been developed and adopted by the Commision on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) :

  • ISPM No. 2 (2007): Framework for pest risk analysis
  • ISPM No. 11 (2004): Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests
  • ISPM No. 21 (2004): Pest risk analysis for regulated non-quarantine pests.
To help countries understand and implement these standards, an international advisory group of PRA experts was established to develop a training course and training materials designed to increase countries' understanding of PRA standards and capacity to conduct PRA. The training course was designed to be delivered over five days, and consists of 14 presentations explaining PRA concepts and practices, and 14 group exercises to demonstrate those concepts. Three manuals associated with the training course and other related materials are now available:
  • Manual for participants taking the course
  • Manual containing the group exercises
  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Manual for instructors giving the course
  • speaker's notes for giving the presentations.

These materials are freely available for use by any interested party. They can be downloaded below or requested from the IPPC Secretariat ([email protected]).

This web page was last reviewed on 2021-01-05. For further information please contact [email protected].

Doc # Agenda # Title Files Publications date
IPPC pest risk analysis training course - Participant manual En Fr
En Fr
22 Jun 2009
IPPC pest risk analysis training course - Group exercises manual En
01 Dec 2008
Training course day 1 - Presentation A - Course introduction and overview of the IPPC En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 1 - Presentation B - Overview of pest risk analysis En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 1 - Presentation C - PRA stage 1: Initiation En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 1 - Presentation D - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 1: Pest categorization) En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 2 - Presentation A - Risk and probability En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 2 - Presentation B - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 2: Probability of entry) En 01 Dec 2007
IPPC pest risk analysis training course - Agenda En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 2 - Presentation D - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 2: Probability of spread) En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 4 - Presentation A - PRA stage 3: Pest risk management En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 3 - Presentation C - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 5: Uncertainty) En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 3 - Presentation B - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 4: Overall assessment of risk) En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 3 - Presentation A - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 3: Impacts and potential economic consequences) En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 2 - Presentation C - PRA stage 2: Pest risk assessment (Step 2: Probability of establishment) En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 4 - Presentation B - Information gathering En 01 Dec 2007
Training course day 5 - Presentation A - Risk communication En 01 Dec 2007
IPPC pest risk analysis training course - Instructor manual En
01 Dec 2008
IPPC pest risk analysis training course - Speaker"s notes for presentations En 01 Dec 2008
IPPC pest risk analysis training course - Evaluation form En 01 Dec 2008

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