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Exotic Forest Insect Guidebook

Published: Tue, 03 May 2016, 17:26
Last updated: Tue, 09 May 2017, 16:34
This book is designed for public and private sector Canadians who work in the areas of tree health and arboriculture. It is intended to serve as an early detection tool for exotic forest insects in Canada. A key issue in the eradication of quarantine insects is discovering and identifying populations while they are still at low and controllable levels. This book includes descriptions of a number of species that could pose a serious threat if they became established in Canada, and a few that have already become established and are being eradicated and/or regulated. It focuses more on insect descriptions, host tree preferences, damage symptoms and geographic distribution rather than insect biology in order to increase the probability of finding exotic pests during tree health assessments. The book is available in English and French.
Resource provide by:
  • NPPO of Canada
URL: click here
Type of contact: NPPO
  • Advocacy
  • Databases
  • Manual/Guide
  • Diagnostic protocol
  • Pest information

A104-23-2006E - Exotic forest insect guidebook.pdf
A104-23-2006F - Guide des insectes forestiers exotiques.pdf