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Convention text

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international plant health treaty that aims to protect cultivated and wild plants by preventing the introduction and spread of pests. The Convention currently has over 180 contracting parties.

IPPC Vision: Protecting the world’s plant resources from pests

IPPC Mission: To secure cooperation among nations in protecting global plant resources from the introduction and spread of plant pests, in order to preserve food security, biodiversity and facilitate trade.

Read the full Convention text.

The IPPC has several mechanisms for fostering cooperation among its contracting parties. These include:

Title Files Publications date
Model Instrument for Adherence to the IPPC
04 May 2006
The benefits of IPPC membership (>3MB) En Es Fr Ar Zh 01 Apr 2001
1997 - International Plant Protection Convention (New Revised Text) Zh
En Es Fr Ru Ar
01 Jan 1999

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Date Palm Tree (Phoenix dactylifera) from Pomona Italiana (1817 - 1839) by Giorgio Gallesio