Detection of a single male Queensland fruit fly (in a New Zealand surveillance trap) new
Pest identity:Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR)
11 May 2012 |
10 May 2012 |
New Zealand
After 14 days of intensive trapping and fruit monitoring, no further Queensland fruit flies have been detected. The absence of Bactrocera tryoni in New Zealand is confirmed new
Pest identity:Bactrocera tryoni - (DACUTR)
25 May 2012 |
24 May 2012 |
New Zealand
Roya de la Gladiola: Uromyces transversalis new
Pest identity:Uromyces transversalis - (UROMTV)
11 May 2012 |
10 May 2012 |
Costa Rica
Pest status of Bactrocera invadens in Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province, South Africa new
Pest identity:Bactrocera invadens - (BCTRIN)
18 May 2012 |
05 Jul 2012 |
South Africa
Detection of Lethal Yellowing in St. Kitts and Nevis new
Pest identity:Coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma - (PHYP56)
11 May 2012 |
10 May 2012 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Presence of Bud Rot in St. Kitts and Nevis new
Pest identity:Phytophthora richardiae - (PHYTRI)
11 May 2012 |
10 May 2012 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis