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Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions from China

Title Report files Publication Date Last Updated  
  Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animals and Plants Quarantine (Order of President No.53) en
19 Dec 2012 06 Sep 2016
  Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People^^s Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine (Order of State Council No. 206) 19 Dec 2012 19 Jun 2017
  (abolished)AQSIQ Decree No.25: Measures on the Administration of Examination and Approval of the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants 02 Aug 2002 19 Jun 2017
  (abolished)AQSIQ Decree No. 56, Promulgating the Measures for Administration of Quarantine of Articles Carried by Entry and Exit Personnel 06 Nov 2003 19 Jun 2017
  Measures on Administration of Quarantine of Entry-Exit Postal Articles 01 Aug 2001 19 Jun 2017
  AQSIQ Decree No.3,Measures on the Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Entry-Exit Express Deliveries 17 Sep 2001 19 Jun 2017
  AQSIQ Decree No. 68, 2005, Promulgating the Measures for Supervision and Administration on Inspection and Quarantine of Entry Fruits 05 Jan 2005 06 Sep 2016
  AQSIQ Decree No.7, Promulgating the Measures on Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Entry-Exit Grain and Feed Products 04 Dec 2001 06 Sep 2016
  AQSIQ Decree No. 41, Provisions for the Administration of Risk Analysis on Entry Plant and Plant Products 31 Dec 2002 06 Sep 2016
  AQSIQ Decree No.146, Administrative Measures on Quarantine of Articles Carried by Entry and Exit Passengers Administrative Measures on Quarantine of Articles Carried by Entry and Exit Passengers (Decree of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China No. 146)
16 Jun 2017 16 Jun 2017
  AQSIQ Decree No.170, AQSIQ Measures on The Administration of Examination and Approval of the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants AQSIQ Measures on The Administration of Examination and Approval of the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants(Decree of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China No. 170)
16 Jun 2017 16 Jun 2017