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Results for: Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions (1-728 of 728)

Country Title Date Published Last updated
Philippines Regulation for Wood Packaging Materials 01 Dec 2004 06 Sep 2016
Viet Nam list of regulated articles subject to pest risk analysis before importing into Vietnam (expired) 23 Apr 2007 09 Oct 2012
Malaysia List of Items/Material Controlled for Importation under the Plant Quarantine Regulations 1981 01 Jan 2001 06 Sep 2016
Indonesia Republic of Indonesia, Law number 16 of 1992, Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine 19 Jan 2005 07 Jul 2019
Indonesia Republic of Indonesia, Government Regulation No.14 of 2002 19 Jan 2005 07 Jul 2019
Philippines Full implementation of the Department of Agriculture Trade System: Electronic Processing of the Application and Issuance of Sanitary and Phytsonaitary Clearance 01 Jan 2005 05 Mar 2012
Philippines Philippine Plant Quarantine Law 01 Jan 2005 06 Sep 2016
Malaysia Plant Quarantine Regulations 1981 19 Dec 2012 06 Sep 2016
Serbia Error 13 May 2011 03 Jul 2017
Bulgaria Council Directive 2000/29/EC 15 Oct 2012 16 Oct 2012
Poland Poland: phytosanitary restriction, requirements and prohibitions 23 Jan 2009 02 Nov 2022
The Republic of North Macedonia Law on plant helath 23 Feb 2005 31 Aug 2021
Slovenia Slovenian Phytosanitary Legislation 23 Feb 2005 01 Aug 2018
Slovenia IPPC/ISPM implemenation in Slovenia 01 Apr 2005 01 Aug 2018
Slovenia Format of the Phytosanitary Certificates 23 Feb 2005 04 Feb 2021
Slovenia EU import legislation 23 Feb 2005 04 Jul 2019
Greece Phytosanitary requirements for Greece 24 Feb 2005 21 Jan 2019
Sweden Note: Former Swedish Wood Packaging Programme 13 Apr 2005 22 Jan 2023
Cambodia Cambodian Phytosanitary Regulation 05 May 2005 24 Mar 2017
Croatia Republic of Croatia - Imported propagating material of perennial plants which must be subject to plant health status monitoring 02 May 2005 02 May 2005
Croatia Republic of Croatia - List of prohibited or restricted articles 02 May 2005 02 May 2005
Malaysia Malaysia SPS Enquiry Point- Standing Instructions For Agriculture, Livestock And Fisheries Products 04 May 2005 09 Aug 2010
India Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 18 Nov 2003 11 Jul 2024
Germany Models of Phytosanitary Certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-export for export of plants and plant products 01 May 2005 30 Jun 2022
Micronesia- Federated States of Prohibited Plants and Plant Materials 01 Jan 2000 11 Aug 2017
Micronesia- Federated States of Prohibited Animals 01 Jan 2000 11 Aug 2017
Philippines Amendment to the Wood Packaging Regulation 15 May 2005 07 Jun 2005
Samoa Import Health Standard for Olive Trees from New Zealand 17 Jun 2005 22 Jun 2005
Paraguay Ley Nº2459/04 04 Oct 2004 07 Oct 2010
New Zealand New Zealand"s phytosanitary import requirements 04 Jul 2005 02 Jul 2018
New Zealand New Zealand"s Biosecurity Act and regulations 04 Jun 2005 02 Jul 2018
Samoa IMPORT RISK ANALYSIS Nursery Stock:Olive Trees (Olea europaea L.) from New Zealand 17 Jun 2005 11 Jul 2005
Philippines Quarantine Measures to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Chlorotic Ringspot Virus of Oil Palm 22 Aug 2005 29 Sep 2005
Peru Normas Legales sobre moscas de la fruta 21 Oct 2008 05 May 2022
Barbados Plant Protection Legislation 20 Dec 2007 04 Mar 2019
Barbados Plant Pest and Disease Eradication Act 17 Nov 2005 17 Nov 2005
Barbados Regulations 17 Nov 2005 01 Jun 2009
Barbados Legislation 17 Nov 2005 17 Nov 2005
Paraguay Resolución No. 42 Norma para habilitar y registrar empresas de tratamientos cuarentenarios según NIMF 15 13 Jul 2005 10 Nov 2005
Paraguay Resolución Nº 43 Que implementa la NIMF Nº 15 y la EMATREM 13 Jul 2005 01 Mar 2010
Bolivia Legislacion nacional 11 Oct 2005 05 Jan 2017
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Phytosanitary measures,requirements and prohibitions 20 Nov 2005 17 Nov 2005
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ammended Plant protection Act 20 Mar 2005 16 Nov 2005
South Africa Sample phytosanitary certificate - NPPO, South Africa 19 Mar 2015 16 Dec 2005
United Kingdom UK restrictions, requirements and prohibitions 24 Nov 2005 08 Jul 2022
Senegal Legislation et donnees phytosanitaires du Senegal 18 Jan 2006 18 Aug 2006
Madagascar La reglementation de l`importation des vegetaux et produits vegetaux a Madagascar 07 Oct 2002 18 Jan 2006
Madagascar Les mesures de quarantaine et les conditions de detention en quarantaine vegetale 07 Oct 2002 18 Jan 2006
Mali Mali -Restrictions,Exigences, Interdictions Phytosanitaires 19 Jan 2006 19 Jan 2006
Belgium Royal Decree of 10/08/2005 (repealed by the Royal Decree of 22/02/2021) 10 Aug 2005 29 Mar 2021
Mauritania LOI PV RIM 26 Jul 2000 19 Jan 2006
Mauritania DERCRET LOI PV RIM 25 Jul 2002 19 Jan 2006
Mauritania STRATEGIE PV RIM 01 Nov 1999 19 Jan 2006
Grenada Plant Protection Act 14 Feb 2006 14 Feb 2006
Serbia Rulebook on Lists of harmful organisms and the Lists of plants, plant products and regulated objects (Official Gazette RS, No. 7/2010, 22/2012 and 57/2015) - Consolidated version 19 Feb 2010 14 Feb 2020
Paraguay Por la cual se suspende temporalmente, el registro y la importación en el país de productos formulados a base de metamidofós en todas sus concentraciones. 17 Mar 2006 29 Mar 2006
Paraguay Por la cual se prohibe el registro, la importación, comercialización y uso en el país, de los productos formulados a base de monocrotofós y fosfamidón en todas sus concentraciones. 17 Mar 2006 29 Mar 2006
Australia Australian Biosecurity Act 2015 01 Jan 2005 04 Jul 2022
Mauritius Plant Protection Act 2006 01 Dec 2006 02 Nov 2006
Mauritius Application for Plant Import Permit to Import Agricultural Goods in Mauritius 01 Dec 2006 02 Nov 2006
Mauritius Phytosanitary Certificate 01 Nov 2006 01 Nov 2006
Mauritius The Genetically Modified Organisms Act 2004 18 Jul 2006 19 Jul 2006
Mauritania Arrêté MDRE Nº R 1193 fixant les conditions d'agrément en matière d'activités phytopharmaceutiques 12 Jul 2006 22 Jul 2006
Australia Goods Determination 23 Sep 2009 04 Jul 2022
Netherlands, Kingdom of the Phytosanitary Import Regulations of the Netherlands 01 Aug 2006 07 Apr 2023
Mauritania arrété portant désignation du président et des membres du Conseil Consultatif de la PV 08 Aug 2006 27 Oct 2010
Mauritania Conseil Consultatif 08 Aug 2006 16 Aug 2006
Philippines Changing Permit to Import to Plant Quarantine Clearance 18 Aug 2006 11 Sep 2006
Paraguay Por la cual se aprueba un régimen de excepción a la Res. 1105/04, para la internación de maderas procesadas y maderas semiprocesadas al territorio nacional 29 Aug 2006 18 Sep 2006
Denmark General requirements and prohibitions 30 Sep 2007 22 Jul 2022
Denmark Phytosanitary certificate of the NPPO of Denmark 01 Jan 2006 25 Aug 2021
Lebanon Phtosanitary certificate 01 Jan 2006 01 Nov 2006
Lebanon Conditions for Importing Seed Potato for season 2012 - 2013 02 Nov 2012 24 Nov 2012
Lebanon Restrictions for Importation of some Fruits from some Countries 28 Oct 2005 21 Aug 2007
Lebanon Applying ISPM15 for WPM 09 Jan 2006 20 Aug 2015
Lebanon Requirments conditions to use ISPM15 mark 11 May 2006 02 Nov 2006
Finland Phytosanitary import requirements for Finland 01 Nov 2006 23 Nov 2023
Ukraine The Law of Ukraine: Concerning the Quarantine of Plants 19 Jan 2006 23 Feb 2017
Belarus Republic of Belarus, Law on Quarantine and Plant Protection 25 Dec 2005 21 Jun 2021
Armenia The Phytosanitary Law of Armenia 24 Oct 2006 02 Nov 2006
Republic of Türkiye Regulation on Plant Quarantine 02 Nov 2006 04 Mar 2016
Zambia Legislation 28 Sep 2010 21 Jan 2019
South Africa Agricultural Pests Act 36 of 1983 07 Nov 2006 07 Nov 2006
South Africa No. R. 1013 of 26 May 1989: (Importation of controlled goods without an import permit) 07 Nov 2006 07 Nov 2006
South Africa Amendments to Regulation 1013 07 Nov 2006 07 Nov 2006
Australia Biosecurity Regulation 2016 01 Oct 2006 04 Jul 2022
Australia Imported food legislation 05 Oct 2006 13 Sep 2021
Austria Model Phytosanitary Certificate 22 Nov 2006 09 Jan 2020
Austria Model Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-Export 22 Nov 2006 09 Jan 2020
Australia Export legislation 01 Jan 2005 13 Sep 2021
Paraguay Resolución 404/06 Por la cual se establece nueva reglamentación de los procesos de producción orgánica de origen vegetal 12 Dec 2006 12 Dec 2006
Lebanon Plant Quarantine & Phytosanitary Measures Law 07 Dec 2006 15 Dec 2006
Yemen New Plant Quarantine Law No.7 for Year 2011 30 Mar 2011 12 Oct 2019
Yemen P.Q. Regulation 02 Sep 2001 12 Oct 2019
Thailand Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and amended 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Madagascar Législation Phytosanitaire de Madagascar 01 Jan 2005 30 Jun 2009
Canada 3E - CFIA Acts and Regulations 13 Dec 2006 01 Dec 2017
Canada 3F - Lois et Règlements de l^^ACIA 13 Dec 2006 01 Dec 2017
Canada 4E - Plant Protection Policy Directives 28 Feb 2007 01 Dec 2017
Canada 4F - Directives sur la protection des végétaux 28 Feb 2006 01 Dec 2017
Canada 1E - Plant Protection Act 27 Mar 2007 01 Dec 2017
Canada 1F - Loi sur la protection des végétaux 27 Mar 2007 01 Dec 2017
Canada 2E - Plant Protection Regulations 27 Mar 2007 01 Dec 2017
Canada 2F - Règlement sur la protection des végétaux 18 Jan 2010 01 Dec 2017
Azerbaijan Phytosanitary Legislation 12 May 2006 06 May 2020
United States of America Plant Protection and Quarantine Manuals for Import and Export 10 May 2007 20 Nov 2017
United States of America Regulations 10 May 2007 20 Nov 2017
Peru Normas Legales 21 Aug 2008 13 Mar 2023
Thailand Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants and Carriers as Prohibited articles (no.5) 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Thailand Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plant pests as prohibited articles (no.7) 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Thailand Notification of Department of Agriculture: Condition for Pest Risk Analysis 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Thailand Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants from certain sources as prohibited articles (no.8) 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Oman قانون الحجر الزراعي ولائحته التنفيذية في سلطنة عمان 05 May 2004 11 Apr 2017
Oman ISPM 15 01 Jul 2007 28 Jul 2019
Lebanon Certification of the fruit trees plants produced in Lebanon 28 May 2007 21 Aug 2007
Niger model certificat phytosanitaire 01 Oct 2007 01 Oct 2007
Niger Model de certificat de re exportation 02 Oct 2007 02 Oct 2007
Peru Normas Legales de Análisis de Riesgo y Vigilancia Fitosanitaria 21 Aug 2008 13 Mar 2023
Paraguay Lista de Productos autorizados por el Departamento de Cuarentena (SENAVE),según origen 14 Nov 2007 01 Mar 2010
Guatemala Ley de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal 30 Sep 1999 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Medidas cuarentenarias para la importacion de cítricos de países que presentan Toxoptera citridus 15 Nov 2007 01 Mar 2017
Paraguay Categorias de Riesgos 15 Nov 2007 01 Mar 2010
Brazil Consulta a Lista de Produtos com importacao autorizada pelo Brasil 15 Nov 2007 31 Aug 2010
Guatemala Reglamento para registro, importación y comercializaión de insumos agrícolas (plaguicidas de uso en campo, fertilizantes, sustancias afines, parasitoides, etc.) 07 Apr 2009 01 Mar 2017
Cuba Regulaciones para la importación 14 Nov 2007 16 Nov 2007
Cuba Regulaciones para la exportación 14 Nov 2007 16 Nov 2007
Mexico DECRETO por el que se reforman, adicionan y derogan diversas disposiciones de la Ley Federal de Sanidad Vegetal 26 Jul 2007 28 Nov 2019
Cuba Regulaciones para inscripción de una variedad 15 Nov 2007 16 Nov 2007
Uruguay Decreto Regulatorio de los Embalajes de Madera 07 Jul 2006 15 Nov 2007
Yemen The 15th ISPMs for regulating wood packaging material in international trade 19 Nov 2007 12 Oct 2019
Cuba Regulaciones de sanidad vegetal 15 Nov 2007 16 Nov 2007
Guatemala Importaciones de cereales y harinas de cereales 19 Dec 2012 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Ingreso de muestras sin necesidad de permiso de importacion 16 Aug 1999 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Disposiciones para la importación, exportación, movilización y traslado de plantas y productos de origen vegetal 27 Feb 2004 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Medidas cuarentenarias para la importación y tránsito internacional de productos suceptibles a Atherigona orientalis 09 Sep 2002 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Listado de productos y subproductos de origen vegetal que están eximidos de permiso fitosanitario de importación y exportación 05 Oct 2006 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Reglamento Ley de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal 30 Sep 1999 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Disposiciones para el embalaje de madera utilizada en el comercio internacional 15 Dec 2004 01 Mar 2017
Ecuador LEY DE SEMILLAS 15 Nov 2007 04 Feb 2019
Uruguay Embalajes de Madera-Requisitos Fitosanitarios 29 Jun 2006 15 Nov 2007
Guatemala Ingreso de muestras de productos y subproductos agropecuarios para análisis y diagnóstico de laboratorio 07 Nov 2001 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Requisitos para producción, certificación, importación, exportación y comercialización de semillas, partes de plantas y plantas de citricos certificados 03 May 2002 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Regulaciones para la importación o el tránsito internacional de plantas hospederas de Thrips palmi karny procedentes de paises que poseen la plaga 20 Jan 2005 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Medidas fitosanitarias para la importación y tránsito internacional de productos que puedan contener la plaga Maconellicoccus hisutus Green 05 May 1999 01 Mar 2017
Uruguay Resolución ministerial s/n Sistema de Certificación de Embalajes de Madera 19 Jan 2005 15 Nov 2007
Paraguay Empresas Aplicadoras de Tratamientos Cuarentenarios a Embalajes de Maderas (EMATREMS) 15 Nov 2007 19 May 2021
Paraguay Ley Nº 2.721, Que Aprueba la Convensión Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria 03 Oct 2005 07 Oct 2010
Costa Rica Reglamento a la Ley de Protección Fitosanitaria No.7664 14 Jan 2009 25 Oct 2018
Costa Rica Ley de Protección Fitosanitaria Nº 7664 19 Dec 2012 25 Oct 2018
Croatia Amendments - Plant Health Act 14 Dec 2007 13 Jul 2018
Croatia Republic of Croatia - Ordinance on Measures Against the Introduction And Spread of Organisms Harmful to Plants, Plant Products And Other Regulated Objects, And Measures to Control These Organisms 14 Dec 2007 14 Dec 2007
Guatemala Acuerdo Ministerial que autoriza realizar trámites electrónicos de importaciones agropecuarias 23 Mar 2007 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Disposiciones aplicables a la importación, exportación, movilización o traslados de plantas, productos o subproductos de origen vegetal 28 Feb 2004 01 Mar 2017
Guatemala Modificacion a unos artículos de las dispocisiones de importacion, exportacion, transito internacional y nacional, y movilizacion de productos y subproductos de origen vegetal 29 Apr 2004 01 Mar 2017
Japan - 19 Apr 2011 01 Feb 2024
Japan Import Plant Quarantine 01 Feb 2008 01 Feb 2024
Mexico Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-005-FITO-1995, por la que se establece la cuarentena exterior para prevenir la introducción del Gorgojo Khapra 01 Jan 2005 28 Nov 2019
Mexico Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-006-FITO-1996, por la que se establecen los requisitos mínimos aplicables a situaciones generales que deberán cumplir los vegetales, sus productos y subproductos que se pretendan importar cuando éstos no est 01 Jan 2005 28 Nov 2019
Mexico NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-007-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos fitosanitarios y especificaciones para la importación de material vegetal propagativo. 19 Dec 2012 28 Nov 2019
Mexico NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-009-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos y especificaciones fitosanitarios para la importación de flor cortada y follaje fresco. 19 Dec 2012 28 Nov 2019
Mexico NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-044-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos y especificaciones fitosanitarios para la importación de nueces, productos y subproductos vegetales procesados y deshidratados. 21 Jun 1999 28 Nov 2019
Mexico NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-028-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos fitosanitarios y especificaciones para la importación de granos y semillas, excepto para siembra. 19 Dec 2012 28 Nov 2019
Mexico Modificación a la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-028-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos fitosanitarios y especificaciones para la importación de granos y semillas, excepto para siembra 28 Jun 2006 28 Nov 2019
Mexico MODIFICACION de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-005-FITO-1995, Por la que se establece la cuarentena exterior para prevenir la introducción del gorgojo khapra. 09 Dec 2004 28 Nov 2019
Guatemala listado de plaguicidas prohibidos 19 Dec 2012 01 Mar 2017
Mexico Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-005-FITO-1995, por la que se establece la cuarentena exterior para prevenir la introducción del Gorgojo Khapra. 19 Dec 2012 28 Nov 2019
Mexico MODIFICACION de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-005-FITO-1995, Por la que se establece la cuarentena exterior para prevenir la introducción del gorgojo khapra. 09 Dec 2004 28 Nov 2019
China Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animals and Plants Quarantine (Order of President No.53) 19 Dec 2012 06 Sep 2016
Ecuador Programa de Certificación Fitosanitaria de Ornamentales de Exportación PCFOE 08 May 2008 04 Feb 2019
Ecuador Programa de Certificación Fitosanitaria de Ornamentales de Exportación PCFOE 08 May 2008 04 Feb 2019
Ecuador Manual General de Cuarentena Vegetal 23 Apr 2008 04 Feb 2019
Peru Requisitos Fitosanitarios para plantas y productos vegetales 21 Aug 2008 19 Jul 2019
Philippines Rules and Regulations for the Movement of Irradiated Plants and Plant Products 08 Aug 2008 10 Nov 2008
Azerbaijan Regulations for import and export 02 Apr 2009 02 Apr 2009
Azerbaijan Phytosanitary Certificate 02 Apr 2009 06 May 2020
Azerbaijan Re-export certification 02 Apr 2009 06 May 2020
Uruguay Certificado Fitosanitario de Exportación 20 Jun 2009 22 May 2009
Uruguay Certificados Fitosanitarios Para la Reexportación 20 Jun 2009 22 May 2009
Guatemala Acuerdo Ministerial para protección de HLB de los cítricos 15 Jun 2009 01 Mar 2017
Australia ISPM 15 in Australia 11 Sep 2009 13 Sep 2021
Australia Australian Interstate Quarantine 01 Nov 2009 04 Jul 2022
Mozambique Regulamento de Inspeccao Fitossanitaria e Quarentena Vegetal 01 Jun 2009 04 May 2017
Georgia Phytosanitary Certificate for Export 01 Oct 2014 16 Apr 2018
Colombia Resolución 2384 de 2019. "Por medio de la cual se establecen las directrices para el establecimiento de requisitos sanitarios y fitosanitarios para la importación de animales, sus productos, vegetales frescos y otros productos de origen vegetal" 07 May 2010 07 Feb 2022
Colombia Resolución 3761 de 2014. “Por medio de la cual se autorizan Terminales Marítimos, Aeropuertos, Puertos Fluviales y Pasos Terrestres de Frontera como puertos de ingreso, salida y tránsito autorizado para el comercio internacional de plantas, animales, sus productos y artículos reglamentados” 07 May 2010 07 Feb 2022
Australia Approved arrangements for nursery stock and tissue cultures from countries with a higher risk of Xylella fastidiosa (Pierce’s disease) 24 May 2010 04 Jul 2022
Costa Rica Constitución Política, año 1949 24 Jun 2010 25 Oct 2018
Costa Rica Normativa que rige al SFE 24 Jun 2010 25 Oct 2018
Indonesia Indonesia's Phytosanitary Certificate 29 Sep 2010 10 Sep 2019
Tanzania- United Republic of The Plant Health Act 2020 29 Sep 2010 07 Mar 2024
Tanzania- United Republic of PLANT PROTECTION ACT,1997 SCHEDULES 29 Sep 2010 12 Jun 2019
Seychelles PLANT PROTECTION ACT, 1996, SEYCHELLES 29 Sep 2010 29 Sep 2010
Lesotho Phytosanitary Import requirements 29 Sep 2010 29 Sep 2010
Ukraine Phytosanitary certificate 01 Oct 2010 15 Dec 2017
Australia Sea Container risk management 01 Nov 2010 10 Aug 2021
Paraguay Resolución SENAVE N° 387/10 referente a vigencias de Resoluciones MERCOSUR en materia fitosanitaria 30 Aug 2010 13 Jan 2011
Paraguay Resolución SENAVE N° 365/10, por el cual se suspende nuevos registros e importación con principio activo a base de ENDOSULFAN. 02 Nov 2010 13 Jan 2011
France Exigences phytosanitaires à l'importation, Liste des organismes nuisibles soumis à des mesures de lutte obligatoire, Mesures d'urgence 30 Apr 2013 01 Dec 2016
Costa Rica Requisitos para la importación de productos reglamentados 29 Mar 2011 25 Oct 2018
Costa Rica Certificado Fitosanitario de Exportación/Reexportación 03 Apr 2011 20 Dec 2018
Georgia Phytosanitary Cerificate for Re-export 01 Oct 2014 16 Apr 2018
Estonia Phytosanitary import requirements for Estonia 17 Jun 2011 05 Jan 2021
China Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People^^s Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine (Order of State Council No. 206) 19 Dec 2012 19 Jun 2017
China (abolished)AQSIQ Decree No.25: Measures on the Administration of Examination and Approval of the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants 02 Aug 2002 19 Jun 2017
China (abolished)AQSIQ Decree No. 56, Promulgating the Measures for Administration of Quarantine of Articles Carried by Entry and Exit Personnel 06 Nov 2003 19 Jun 2017
China Measures on Administration of Quarantine of Entry-Exit Postal Articles 01 Aug 2001 19 Jun 2017
China AQSIQ Decree No.3,Measures on the Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Entry-Exit Express Deliveries 17 Sep 2001 19 Jun 2017
China AQSIQ Decree No. 68, 2005, Promulgating the Measures for Supervision and Administration on Inspection and Quarantine of Entry Fruits 05 Jan 2005 06 Sep 2016
China AQSIQ Decree No.7, Promulgating the Measures on Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of Entry-Exit Grain and Feed Products 04 Dec 2001 06 Sep 2016
China AQSIQ Decree No. 41, Provisions for the Administration of Risk Analysis on Entry Plant and Plant Products 31 Dec 2002 06 Sep 2016
Indonesia The Regulation Of The Minister Of Agriculture No. 09/Permentan/OT.140/2/2009 Regarding Requirements and Procedures Of Plant Quarantine Measures Toward The Importation Of Plant Quarantine Pest Carrier Into The Territory Of The Republic Of Indonesia 06 Feb 2009 16 Jul 2019
Indonesia The Regulation Of The Minister Of Agriculture No. 12/Permentan/ OT.140/2/2009 Regarding Requirement And Procedure Of Plant Quarantine Measures Toward The Importation Of Wood Packaging Material Into The Territory Of The Republic Of Indoesia 09 Feb 2009 06 Sep 2016
Viet Nam (principal) phytosanitary requirements and prohibitions 05 Dec 2007 06 Sep 2016
Lao People's Democratic Republic Plant Protection Law, 2008 06 Jul 2011 07 Sep 2016
Viet Nam For publishing Regulation on Pest Risk Analysis Procedure for regulated articles of plant quarantine subject to pest risk analysis before importing into Vietnam 30 Oct 2014 06 Sep 2016
Viet Nam Regulation on Procedure for the issuance of the phytosanitary import permit for articles subject to pest risk analysis before importing into Vietnam - expired 06 Jul 2011 06 Sep 2016
Viet Nam The List of Regulated Articles of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and ariticle subject to PRA - New Version 04 Sep 2014 06 Sep 2016
Malaysia Plant Quarantine Act 1976 06 Jul 2011 06 Sep 2016
Thailand Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plant pests as prohibited articles (no.6) 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Thailand BLANK 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Thailand Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants from certain sources as prohibited articles (no.10) 06 Jul 2011 02 Mar 2017
Cambodia List of Cambodia PQ Law and Regulation 08 Jul 2011 08 Jul 2011
Cambodia Cambodia PQ Procedure 08 Jul 2011 08 Jul 2011
Latvia Phytosanitary import requirements for Latvia 26 Aug 2011 04 Nov 2022
Lebanon Conditons to Import Strawberry Plants 26 Aug 2011 20 Aug 2015
Lebanon Coditions to Import Banana Plants 26 Aug 2011 20 Aug 2015
Lebanon Conditions to import seeds for vegetation except potato seeds 26 Aug 2011 28 Nov 2011
Lebanon Conditions to Import Fruit Plant propagading materials 26 Aug 2011 30 Sep 2011
Costa Rica Modelo de Certificado Fitosanitario de Reexportación 27 Oct 2011 16 Nov 2018
Germany Legislation 08 Nov 2011 30 Jun 2022
Georgia Plant origin products which are regulated during the import 31 Dec 2010 17 Jun 2021
Mozambique Updated Phitossatary Regulation 01 Jun 2009 06 Jan 2018
Lebanon Conditions to import Ware Potato 15 Dec 2011 13 Aug 2015
Yemen New Plant Quarantine Law No.7 for Year 2011 09 Feb 2012 12 Oct 2019
Cambodia Specimen of Cambodia Phytosanitary Certificate 23 Mar 2012 20 Apr 2012
Cambodia PQ Import requirement of Plant product with High Risk of pest pathways 23 Mar 2012 23 Mar 2012
Cambodia PQ Import requirement of Plant product with High Risk of pest pathways 23 Mar 2012 23 Mar 2012
Cambodia Good Agricultural Practice in production of Vegetable and Fresh Fruit 23 Mar 2012 23 Mar 2012
Cambodia Maximum Residue Limit of Pesticide on Agricultural Products 23 Mar 2012 23 Mar 2012
Viet Nam Implementation of Vietnam's regulations 24 Nov 2010 27 Mar 2012
Mexico ACUERDO por el que se establece el módulo de requisitos fitosanitarios para la importación de mercancí­as reguladas por la Secretarí­a de Agricultura, Ganaderí­a, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación, en materia de sanidad vegetal 07 Apr 2012 28 Nov 2019
Mozambique Mozambique Phytossanitary import conditions (Appendix to Mozambique Phitossanitary regulation) 19 Apr 2012 09 Jun 2020
Mozambique Mozambique new Import permit and Phytosanitary certificate 19 Apr 2012 13 Dec 2023
Philippines Sanitary and Phytosanitary Issuances on Plant Health 20 Apr 2012 20 Apr 2012
Cambodia New Form of Cambodia Phytosanitary Certificate 20 Apr 2012 24 Mar 2017
Mexico Mexico Proposes New System to Consult Phytosanitary Requirements 20 Apr 2012 28 Nov 2019
Croatia Notice concerning import of plants, plant products and other regulated objects into the Republic of Croatia 25 Apr 2012 25 Apr 2012
Malaysia MAQIS Act 2011 02 May 2012 06 Sep 2016
Malaysia International Trade in endangered species Act 686 02 May 2012 06 Sep 2016
Japan - 31 May 2012 01 Feb 2024
Viet Nam revision and amendment for enactment of Trade Laws 26 Jun 2012 26 Jun 2012
Viet Nam 14/2012/TT-BNNPTNT guildlines for use of forms in quarantine procedures 26 Jun 2012 26 Jun 2012
Viet Nam notification for implementation of VN^^s regulation 24 May 2012 26 Jun 2012
Viet Nam 19 /2012/TT-BNNPTNT 02 May 2012 26 Jun 2012
Singapore Control of Plants Act (2000) 02 Sep 2012 05 Jan 2021
Singapore Control of Plants (Plant Importation) Rules 02 Sep 2012 05 Jan 2021
Indonesia The Regulation of Ministry of Agriculture No. 42/Permentan/OT.140/6/2012 Regarding Plant Quarantine Measures for Importation of Fresh Fruit and Fresh Fruit vegetables into theTerritory of The Republic of Indonesia 06 Jun 2012 07 Sep 2016
Lebanon phytosanitary measures applied for imported wood 09 Oct 2012 24 Nov 2012
French Polynesia Végétaux, Produits végétaux et autres produits interdits - Polynésie française 06 Dec 2007 25 Jul 2017
French Polynesia Prohibited plants, plant products and other products - French Polynesia 06 Dec 2007 25 Jul 2017
French Polynesia Exigences pour l'importation de végétaux, produits végétaux et autres en Polynésie française 06 Dec 2007 18 Jan 2010
French Polynesia Plant, plant products and other products import conditions into French Polynesia 06 Dec 2007 03 Jan 2008
French Polynesia Plant products for human or animal consumption import conditions into French Polynesia 06 Dec 2007 03 Jan 2008
French Polynesia Conditions d'importation de produits végétaux destinés á la consommation humaine ou animale en Polynésie française 06 Dec 2007 18 Jan 2010
French Polynesia Phytosanitary measures against the introduction of Oryctes, Scapanes and Strategus in French Polynesia 30 Sep 1999 07 Aug 2017
French Polynesia Mesures phytosanitaires contre l''introduction d'Oryctes, Scapanes et Strategus en Polynésie française 30 Sep 1999 07 Aug 2017
French Polynesia Envoi de produits végétaux á Rapa, Polynésie française 16 Aug 2005 07 Aug 2017
French Polynesia Shipping of plant products to Rapa, French Polynesia 16 Aug 2005 07 Aug 2017
Saint Kitts and Nevis Phytosanitary Restrictions 28 Nov 2005 09 Jun 2006
Saint Kitts and Nevis Phytosanitary Requirements 28 Nov 2005 28 Nov 2005
Ethiopia Plant quarantine system in Ethiopia 07 Dec 2005 07 Dec 2005
Cameroon Loi n 2003/003 du 21 avril 2003 portant protection phytosanitaire au Cameroun 21 Apr 2003 18 Jan 2006
Burundi Legislation phytosanitaire du Burundi 19 Jan 2006 19 Jan 2006
Benin Service de la Protection des Vegetaux et Controle Phytosanitaire du Benin 19 Feb 2006 01 Feb 2006
Guinea Loi L/92/027/CTRN du 6 août 1992 institutant le contróle des végétaux l'importation et l'exportation 18 Jan 2006 29 Nov 2021
Cameroon Décret n° 2005/0771/PM du 06 avril 2005 fixant les modalités des opérations de quarantaine végétale 06 Apr 2005 18 Jan 2006
Cameroon Decret n 2005/0770/PM du 06 avril 2005 fixant les modalités de lutte phytosanitaire 27 Jun 2013 27 Jun 2013
Cameroon Decret N°2005/0772/PM du 06 avril 2005 fixant les conditions d^^homologation et de contrôle des produits phytosanitaires 27 Jun 2013 27 Jun 2013
Cameroon Decret N°2005/0769/PM du 06 avril 2005 portant organisation du Conseil 27 Jun 2013 10 Jul 2024
Burkina Faso DECRET N° 2017- 0430/ PRES promulguant la loi n° 025-2017/ AN du 15 mai 2017 portant protection des végétaux au Burkina Faso 01 Jan 2005 10 Aug 2017
Burkina Faso Analyse du Risque Phytosanitaire ARP 01 Jan 2005 27 Oct 2010
Eritrea Pytosanitary Proclamation 2006 01 Sep 2006 11 Apr 2008
Cameroon Arrêté N°0274/MINADER/CAB DU 19 mars 2013 portant homologation des imprimés des certificats phytosanitaires et fixant les modalités de leur deliverance. 31 Jul 2013 22 Jul 2019
Cameroon Arrêté N°003/06/MINADER/SG/DRCQ/SDRSQV/SQV DU 03 AVR 2006 fixant les modalités de traitement et d^^estampillage des materiaux d^^emballages à la base de bois destinés au commerce international 27 Jun 2013 10 Jul 2024
New Caledonia Protection des végétaux 19 Dec 2012 21 Aug 2019
New Caledonia Arrêté 2635 20 Oct 2005 18 Aug 2008
Burkina Faso Décret N348 02 Sep 2010 06 Oct 2010
Burkina Faso Arrêté N°1 02 Sep 2010 06 Oct 2010
Burkina Faso Arrêté N°016N°99-106 02 Sep 2010 26 Oct 2010
French Polynesia Importation du bois 17 Sep 2010 07 Aug 2017
French Polynesia Conditions d'importation de bois (sauf emballage) / Import conditions for wood (except packaging) 27 Sep 2010 07 Aug 2017
French Polynesia Bois d'emballage (NIMP 15) / Wood Packaging Material (ISPM 15) 27 Sep 2010 07 Aug 2017
Botswana Plant Protection Act 2007 15 Oct 2010 05 Jul 2022
Botswana Plant Protection Regulations 2009 15 Oct 2010 05 Jul 2022
Cameroon LOI N° 2 0 0 1/ 0 1 4 DU 23 Juillet 2001 RELATIVE A L^^ACTIVITE SEMENCIERE 19 Jun 2012 19 Jun 2012
Australia - 23 Jan 2013 13 Sep 2021
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-062-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos y especificaciones fitosanitarias para la importación de vegetales, sus productos y subproductos por medio de correo o servicios de mensajerí­a. 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-044-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos y especificaciones fitosanitarios para la importación de nueces, productos y subproductos vegetales procesados y deshidratados. 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-028-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos fitosanitarios y especificaciones para la importación de granos y semillas, excepto para siembra 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-009-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos y especificaciones fitosanitarios para la importación de flor cortada y follaje fresco 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-008-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos y especificaciones fitosanitarios para la importación de frutas y hortalizas frescas 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-007-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos fitosanitarios y especificaciones para la importación de material vegetal propagativo. 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico AVISO de cancelación de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-006-FITO-1995, Por la que se establecen los requisitos mí­nimos aplicables a situaciones generales que deberán cumplir los vegetales, sus productos y subproductos que se pretendan importar cuando és 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Mexico Cancelación de Normas Oficiales Mexicanas para la importación de vegetales, sus productos y subproductos, reguladas por la ONPF de México 08 Feb 2013 28 Nov 2019
Cameroon Décret n° 2005/3091/PM du 29 Août 2005 fixant les modalités de production, de contrôle de qualité et de commercialisation des semences. 12 Jan 2013 12 Jan 2013
Serbia Error 20 May 2013 03 Jul 2017
Chad recueil des textes legislatifs et reglementaires 27 Jun 2013 28 Nov 2016
European Union EU Plant Health Import Requirements 27 Jun 2013 28 Jun 2013
Jordan تعليمات تسجيل وتصنيع واستيراد وتداول المبيدات الزراعية 15 Jul 2013 15 Jul 2013
Jordan Quarantine pest reglation 15 Jul 2013 15 Jul 2013
Switzerland Ordinance on plant health 14 Jan 2015 20 Dec 2022
Switzerland FOAG Ordinance on temporary measures for plant protection OTPM (expired on 31.12.2017) 31 Jul 2013 07 Jan 2020
Switzerland Ordinance of the EAER on prohibited plants (expired on 31.12.2019) 31 Jul 2013 03 May 2022
Paraguay Requisitos fitosanitarios para la internación en el territorio nacional de las maderas aserradas secadas en horno y maderas aserradas y en rollizos de un espesor superior a 5 mm de latifoliadas y coníferas con origen de países de la región y extra región 24 Sep 2013 25 Sep 2013
Paraguay Alerta Fitosanitaria en zonas productoras de banano dentro de la República del Paraguay 04 Jan 2013 25 Sep 2013
Australia - 15 Nov 2013 10 Aug 2021
Belgium New model for Belgian Phytosanitary Certificates 04 Dec 2013 07 Jan 2019
Czechia New forms and stamp for Phytosanitary Certificates issued by the NPPO of the Czech Republic 17 Dec 2013 30 Dec 2016
Montenegro Law on plant health protection in Montenegro 26 Dec 2013 02 Oct 2018
Mali Organisation de protection des végétaux au Mali 09 Jan 2014 09 Jan 2014
Austria Plant Protection Act 14 Mar 2014 17 Dec 2019
Austria Plant Protection Order 14 Mar 2014 17 Dec 2019
Republic of Korea Change the prohibited areas of frozen leaf and stem of pepper plants 19 Mar 2014 19 Mar 2014
Netherlands, Kingdom of the Import regulation of the Netherlands 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the Old stamp 08 Apr 2014 28 Feb 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the Old model phytosanitary certificate 08 Apr 2014 28 Feb 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the New stamp for issuance of phytosanitary certificates 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the New model phytosanitary certificate for re-export 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the xxx 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the New watermark of phytosanitary certificates 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the New model phytosanitary certificate 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Netherlands, Kingdom of the xxx 08 Apr 2014 07 Apr 2023
Republic of Korea Phytosanitary Certificate Form 29 Apr 2014 28 Nov 2022
Antigua and Barbuda http://laws.gov.ag/acts/2012/a2012-1.pdf 14 May 2014 14 May 2014
Antigua and Barbuda Import Permit Application Form 14 May 2014 14 May 2014
Antigua and Barbuda Import Export Guide 14 May 2014 14 May 2014
United Kingdom Delete 15 May 2014 09 May 2023
New Caledonia Conditions d'importation des produits à risque sanitaire / import conditions 20 May 2014 21 Aug 2019
Switzerland Import restriction for certain fruits and vegetables originating in India (expired on 31. Decembre 2016) 28 Jul 2014 12 Oct 2019
Malawi Plant Protection Act 2018 01 Aug 2014 09 Aug 2021
Thailand Forms of Phytosanitary Certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate for re-export 19 Aug 2014 02 Mar 2017
Australia - 25 Aug 2014 13 Sep 2021
Viet Nam Implementation of ISPM 15 10 Sep 2014 10 Sep 2014
Chile 2019, March - IMPORTS AND TRANSIT of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS 02 Oct 2014 26 Mar 2019
Egypt The ministerial decree N. 748-2019 the phytosanitary requirements of Importing of seed potatoes from approved countries of origin- Arabic 21 Oct 2014 26 Nov 2020
Egypt Model of Phytosanitary Certificate for Export 21 Oct 2014 21 Oct 2014
Singapore Conditions for import of Banana for planting 19 Nov 2014 02 Sep 2019
Singapore Conditions for Import of Cassava plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Cacao plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Camellia sinensis plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Citrus plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Coconut plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Coffee plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Cotton plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Foliage 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the Import of Fresh and Dried Herbarium 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of GMOs 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of Hevea brazilensis for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of living organisms 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the Import of Nursery Stock 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of Oil palm plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of Orchids for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of Oryza sativa plants for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for import of pineapple plants & fruits for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of plant growing media 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the Import of Plant Produces 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the Import of Sugar Cane for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Singapore Conditions for the import of Zea mays for planting 19 Nov 2014 16 Apr 2019
Nicaragua Acuerdo Ministerial 021-2010 - Establecer Medidas Fitosanitarias para la Contención, el Control y Evitar la Diseminación de la Plaga de Huanglonbing (HLB) o enverdecimiento de los Cítricos en el Territorio Nacional. 29 Nov 2010 28 Nov 2016
Nicaragua Acuerdo No. 25-2010 Declarar Área Libre de Huanglonbing o enverdecimiento de los Cítricos en los Departamentos de Río San Juan y Rivas. 02 Jul 2010 28 Nov 2016
Nicaragua Acuerdo Ministerial No. 003-2011 Declaratoria de alerta fitosanitaria por la presencia de la bacteria Burkholderia glumae causante del Añublo del cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa) en Nicaragua. 28 Mar 2010 28 Nov 2016
Nicaragua Acuerdo Ministerial No. 007-2008 Establecimiento de cuarentena interna para mosca de la fruta en la zona norte del Lago Xolotlán 04 Aug 2008 28 Nov 2016
Malawi New phytosanitary certificate 10 Dec 2014 27 Mar 2023
Nicaragua Norma Técnica Obligatoria Nicaragüense 11038-13 Certificación Fitosanitaria de Material Propagativo de Cítricos 19 Nov 2014 28 Nov 2016
Solomon Islands Biosecurity Act 2013 14 Jan 2015 11 Jan 2023
Switzerland General decree on emergency measures against the introduction and spread of Pseudomonas syringaer pv. actinidiae (added to OpM-FOAG) 14 Jan 2015 07 Jan 2020
Switzerland General decree on emergency measures against the introduction and spread of Pomacea (added to OpM-FOAG) 14 Jan 2015 07 Jan 2020
Switzerland General decree on emergency measures against the introduction and spread of Epitrix cucumeris, Epitrix similaris, Epitrix subcrinita and Epitrix tuberis (added to OpM-FOAG) 14 Jan 2015 07 Jan 2020
Viet Nam Law of Plant Protection and Quarantine 31 Dec 2014 01 Sep 2015
Viet Nam List of VN licensed phytosanitary treatment providers 28 Jan 2015 28 Jan 2015
Serbia Error 01 Jan 2015 03 Jul 2017
Solomon Islands Sample Phytosanitary 25 Feb 2015 11 Jan 2023
Tonga Plant Quarantine Regulation 1995 02 Mar 2015 03 Mar 2015
Viet Nam Vietnam's Phytosanitary procedure Circular No. 33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT 29 Oct 2014 10 Mar 2015
Tonga Plant Quarantine Act 1988 revised edition 17 Mar 2015 18 Mar 2015
Tonga Noxious Weeds Act 17 Mar 2015 18 Mar 2015
Tonga Diseases of Plants Regulations 17 Mar 2015 18 Mar 2015
Lebanon Pest List for propagating material 03 Mar 2015 19 Mar 2015
Congo loi 52-1252 du 26 novembre 1952 26 Jun 2013 27 Jun 2013
Fiji FIJI BAF LEGISTLATION 01 Apr 2015 29 Nov 2016
Fiji Requirements / Resctrictions 01 Apr 2015 29 Nov 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina PLAN HEALTH PROTECTION SYSTEM IN BIH 21 May 2015 22 May 2015
United Kingdom Wood and Timber imports 26 May 2015 24 Sep 2021
Guyana Phytosanitary Legislation 03 Jun 2015 01 Oct 2019
Qatar Plant Quarantine Law (24/2005) 11 Jun 2015 13 Mar 2017
Guyana New Stamp for issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates as of August 15, 2015 16 Jun 2015 01 Oct 2019
Czechia 2015 new PC forms 18 Jun 2015 30 Dec 2016
Nepal Legislation 01 Jul 2015 05 Oct 2022
Australia - 13 Jul 2015 13 Sep 2021
Lebanon Standard decree for feed grain and other material feed 12 Aug 2015 12 Aug 2015
Lebanon Standard decree for feed grain and other material feed 12 Aug 2015 12 Aug 2015
Lebanon Conditions to import potato seeds for trial 13 Aug 2015 13 Aug 2015
Samoa Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions 26 Aug 2015 13 Jun 2017
Chad ARRETE N° 69/PR/PM/MAE/SG/DGPAF/DPVC/2015 27 Aug 2015 27 Aug 2015
Lebanon conditions importing potato seeds 07 Sep 2015 07 Sep 2015
Zambia Plant Pest and Diseases Act CAP 233 and Noxious Weeds Act CAP 231 07 Sep 2015 16 Apr 2022
Malawi ISPM 15 symbol for Malawi 11 Sep 2015 27 Mar 2023
Myanmar Plant Pest Quarantine Law 20 Sep 2015 20 Sep 2015
Panama Requisitos Fitosanitarios de Importación 24 Sep 2015 13 Mar 2024
Sweden The Swedish Wood Packaging Programme 25 Sep 2015 22 Jan 2023
Sweden The Swedish sawn wood programme 25 Sep 2015 22 Jan 2023
Bolivia Normativa de viveros 25 Sep 2015 05 Jan 2017
Sweden Plant Health Import Requirements 28 Sep 2015 22 Jan 2023
Sweden Phytosanitary Certificate of Sweden 28 Sep 2015 22 Jan 2023
Ecuador Agencia Ecuatoriana de Aseguramiento de la Calidad del Agro-AGROCALIDAD 12 Oct 2015 14 Jun 2024
Iran- Islamic Republic of new format of Phytosanitary Certificate 31 Oct 2015 16 May 2018
Iran- Islamic Republic of new format of Phytosanitary Certificate 31 Oct 2015 27 Oct 2020
Yemen Plant Quarantine Law No.7 for Year 2011 01 Nov 2015 12 Oct 2019
Congo Circulaire n°252/MSSAH/DHG/CHGSB du 05 septembre 2002 rappelant le délai transitoire accordé aux importateurs, vendeurs et prestataires des services de la désinfection, désinsectisation et dératisation. 19 Nov 2015 19 Nov 2015
Congo l’arrêté n° 2866/MAE/MEFB du 3 juillet 2008, fixant les frais des inspections, des prestations zoo sanitaire, phytosanitaire et des documents sanitaires règlementaires  19 Nov 2015 19 Nov 2015
Congo l’arrêté n°3401 du 24 juin 1976, portant création des postes de contrôle phytosanitaires 19 Nov 2015 19 Nov 2015
Congo le décret n°55-1219 du 13 septembre 1955, portant règlement d’administration publique, fixant les conditions d’application de la loi du 26 novembre 1952 19 Nov 2015 19 Nov 2015
Congo loi n°3-2007 du 24 janvier 2007 réglementant les importations, les exportations et les réexportations 19 Nov 2015 19 Nov 2015
Congo décret n°99-167 du 23 Aout 1999 modifiant le décret n°95-147 du 8 Aout 1995, portant institution d’une inspection obligatoire pour les marchandises et produits chimiques embarqués à destination du Congo  19 Nov 2015 19 Nov 2015
Lebanon Protection from Xylella Fastidiosa when importing plant product 26 Nov 2015 26 Nov 2015
Serbia Error 11 Dec 2015 11 Dec 2015
Serbia Error 11 Dec 2015 07 Nov 2017
Australia - 15 Dec 2015 13 Sep 2021
Australia - 15 Dec 2015 10 Aug 2021
Ukraine Re-export phytosanitary certificate 16 Dec 2015 15 Dec 2017
Ukraine RESOLUTION of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 12 May 2007 No. 705 16 Dec 2015 15 Dec 2017
Ukraine Phytosanitary requirements to imported consignments 16 Dec 2015 26 Jan 2021
Ecuador Phytosanitary Export Certificate 2024 04 Jan 2016 14 Jun 2024
Ecuador Phytosanitary Export Certificate 2016 04 Jan 2016 14 Jun 2024
Ecuador Phytosanitary Export Certificate 2016 04 Jan 2016 14 Jun 2024
Fiji PHYTO CHANGES 06 Jan 2016 06 Jan 2016
Fiji FIJIAN SIGNATORY CHANGES 15 Jan 2016 15 Jan 2016
Australia - 17 Jan 2016 10 Aug 2021
Iran- Islamic Republic of The last amendment to the security items of new format of phytosanitary certificate of the Islamic Republic of Iran 19 Jan 2016 14 Aug 2018
Australia - 07 Feb 2016 10 Aug 2021
Bahrain Plant Quarantine Law - English 14 Feb 2016 19 Aug 2018
Bahrain Plant Quarantine Law - Arabic 14 Feb 2016 19 Aug 2018
Australia - 22 Feb 2016 10 Aug 2021
Nicaragua Acuerdo Ministerial Numero 004-2012 Medidas Fitosanitarias Punta Morada y Paratrioza 02 Mar 2016 19 Jan 2018
Nicaragua Modificaciones de la Ley No. 291. 02 Mar 2016 19 Jan 2018
Nicaragua Modificaciones a la Ley 862. Ley Creadora del IPSA. 02 Mar 2016 19 Jan 2018
Nicaragua Declarar Libre del Gusano Rosado del Algodonero al municipio de Corn Island 02 Mar 2016 19 Jan 2018
Nicaragua DECLARAR AREA ACUERDO MINISTERIAL No. 014-2009 02 Mar 2016 19 Jan 2018
El Salvador LEY DE SANIDAD VEGETAL Y ANIMAL 02 Mar 2016 02 Mar 2016
El Salvador LEY DE SANIDAD VEGETAL Y ANIMAL 02 Mar 2016 02 Mar 2016
Republic of Türkiye Entry_into_force_1 4 2016_Annexes 04 Mar 2016 04 Mar 2016
Republic of Türkiye N/A 04 Mar 2016 26 Apr 2016
Australia - 11 Mar 2016 10 Aug 2021
Ecuador New seal of wood packaging material 14 Mar 2016 14 Jun 2024
Australia - 31 Mar 2016 10 Aug 2021
Sao Tome and Principe Certificat phytosanitaire 06 Apr 2016 06 Apr 2016
Serbia New phytosanitary import requirements - Xylella fastidiosa 08 Apr 2016 08 Apr 2016
Serbia Error 08 Apr 2016 03 Jul 2017
Lithuania Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament of the Council of 26 October 2016 on protective measures against pests of plants, amending Regulations (EU) No 228/2013, (EU) No 652/2014 and (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directives 69/464/EEC, 74/647/EEC, 93/85/EEC, 98/57/EC, 2000/29/EC, 2006/91/EC and 2007/33/EC 19 Apr 2016 30 Dec 2019
Australia - 18 May 2016 10 Aug 2021
Australia - 27 May 2016 13 Sep 2021
Australia - 01 Jun 2016 13 Sep 2021
Australia - 17 Jun 2016 10 Aug 2021
Switzerland Import ban of certain vegetables from Ghana (expired on 31.12.2017) 07 Jul 2016 07 Jan 2020
Burkina Faso Arrêté conjoint N°108 /MASA/MEF Fixant la liste des Végétaux, Produits Végétaux, Produits d’origine Végétale et autres articles réglementés soumis au contrôle phytosanitaire et au contrôle de la qualité du 29 juillet 2014 04 Aug 2016 04 Aug 2016
Burkina Faso Arrêté conjoint N°108 /MASA/MEF Fixant la liste des Végétaux, Produits Végétaux, Produits d’origine Végétale et autres articles réglementés soumis au contrôle phytosanitaire et au contrôle de la qualité du 29 juillet 2014 04 Aug 2016 04 Aug 2016
Philippines Implementation of DA Trade System: Electroic Request for Inspection (eRFI) 06 Sep 2016 06 Sep 2016
Sri Lanka Plant Protection Act of Sri Lanka 06 Sep 2016 06 Sep 2016
Timor-Leste Timor-Leste's legislation relating to phytosanitary restrictions 06 Sep 2016 06 Sep 2016
Pakistan Phytosanitary Requirements According to Law of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the Field of Plant Quarantine for Importing Countries 06 Sep 2016 07 Sep 2016
Viet Nam Pesticide list 06 Sep 2016 06 Sep 2016
Indonesia The Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 43/Permentan/OT.140/6/2012 Regarding Plant Quarantine Measures for Importation of Fresh Bulb Vegetables Into The Territory of The Republic of Indonesia 06 Sep 2016 07 Sep 2016
Indonesia The Regulation of The Minister of Agriculture No.73/Permentan/HK.060/2/2013 Regarding Requirements and Guideliness for Quarantine Instalation Establishment for Private 06 Sep 2016 07 Sep 2016
Indonesia The Regulation of Minister of Agriculture No. 04/Permentan/PP.340/2/2015 Regarding Food Safety Control for Importation and Exportation of Fresh Food Plant Origin 06 Sep 2016 07 Sep 2016
Cambodia Pesticide registration 06 Sep 2016 06 Sep 2016
Sri Lanka Banned and Restricted Pesticides in Sri Lanka 07 Sep 2016 07 Sep 2016
Sao Tome and Principe Loi et réglement de la santé des plantes à São Tomé et Principe 09 Sep 2016 09 Sep 2016
Nicaragua Requisitos Fitosanitarios para la Importación 21 Sep 2016 06 Jul 2020
Nicaragua Ley No. 881, “Ley del Digesto Jurídico Nicaragüense de la Materia Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SSAN) 21 Sep 2016 19 Jan 2018
Republic of Türkiye Paper spesifications for phytosanitary certificates and re-export certificate 06 Oct 2016 06 Oct 2016
Republic of Türkiye Phytosanitary certificate 06 Oct 2016 06 Oct 2016
Republic of Türkiye Re-export Phytosanitary certificate 06 Oct 2016 06 Oct 2016
Paraguay Resolucion N°620 "Por la cual se deroga la Resolucion N° 115/13; Por la cual se establecen requisitos fitosanitarios para la internacion al territorio nacional de maderas aserradas secadas en horno y maderas aserradas y en rollizos , de un espesor superior a los 5mm de Latifoliadas y Coniferas con origen de paises de la region y extra region 17 Oct 2016 17 Oct 2016
Serbia Error 10 Nov 2016 07 Nov 2017
Japan - 15 Nov 2016 01 Feb 2024
Slovenia New EU protective measures against pests of plants 29 Nov 2016 04 Jul 2019
Cyprus Phytosanitary Requirements, Restrictions and Prohibitions 22 Dec 2016 05 Dec 2018
Eritrea Phytosanitary certificate of Eritrea 12 Feb 2017 12 Feb 2017
Ukraine LAW OF UKRAINE ON PLANT QUARANTINE 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Moldova- Republic of НОКЗР Молдова 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Moldova- Republic of НОКЗР Молдова 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Belarus Фитосанитарный сертификат / phytosanitary certificate 23 Feb 2017 15 Dec 2021
Armenia Legislation:Phytosanitary Requirements / Restrictuins / Prohibitions 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Armenia Legislation:Phytosanitary Requirements / Restrictuins / Prohibitions 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Moldova- Republic of НОКЗР Молдова 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Moldova- Republic of НОКЗР Молдова 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
Moldova- Republic of НОКЗР Молдова 23 Feb 2017 23 Feb 2017
The Republic of North Macedonia Law of plant helath_MKD 24 Feb 2017 05 Oct 2021
Thailand Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives: Plants and Carriers from certain sources as restricted articles 01 Mar 2017 02 Mar 2017
Thailand Notification of Department of Agriculture Re : Criteria, procedures and conditions for the importation or bringing in transit of prohibited, restricted and unprohibited articles B.E. 2551 (2008) 01 Mar 2017 02 Mar 2017
Malta CHAPTER 433. PLANT QUARANTINE ACT 02 Mar 2017 24 May 2019
Senegal Livret phytosanitaire du Sénégal 12 Mar 2017 12 Mar 2017
Belarus Условия ввоза и перемещения подкарантинной продукции в Евразийском экономическом союзе 14 Mar 2017 02 Dec 2022
Jamaica Legislative Framework Governing Jamaica's Phytosanitary Requirement 07 Apr 2017 07 Apr 2017
Eswatini Swaziland NPPO Legislation 27 Apr 2017 27 Apr 2017
Qatar Attachments to phytosanitary certificates 22 May 2017 22 May 2017
Samoa Bee and Bee Products Prohibition Order 13 Jun 2017 28 Jun 2017
China AQSIQ Decree No.146, Administrative Measures on Quarantine of Articles Carried by Entry and Exit Passengers 16 Jun 2017 16 Jun 2017
China AQSIQ Decree No.170, AQSIQ Measures on The Administration of Examination and Approval of the Quarantine of Entry Animals and Plants 16 Jun 2017 16 Jun 2017
Serbia Error 03 Jul 2017 03 Jul 2017
Serbia Notification on new stamp 03 Jul 2017 03 Jul 2017
Belarus canceld 10 Jul 2017 13 Dec 2021
Belarus Rules and Norms of Plant Quarantine of the Eurasian Economic Union 10 Jul 2017 21 Jun 2021
Cook Islands Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions 21 Jul 2017 21 Jul 2017
French Polynesia Loi du Pays n° 2013-12 du 6 mai 2013 réglementant, aux fins de protection en matière de biosécurité, l'introduction, l'importation, l'exportation et le transport interinsulaire des organismes viviants et de leurs produits dérivés 09 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
French Polynesia Country Law n° 2013-12 of 6 May 2013 regulating for protection purposes in matters of biosecurity, the introduction, import, export and inter-island transport of living organisms and their by-products. 09 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
NRO_training Bee and Bee products prohibition order 1999 10 Aug 2017 11 Aug 2017
Burkina Faso DECRET N° 2017-0431/PRES promulguant la loi N° 026/AN du 15 mai 2017 contrôle de la gestion des pesticides au Burkina Faso. 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Burkina Faso DECRET N° 2017- 0430/ PRES promulguant la loi n° 025-2017/ AN du 15 mai 2017 portant protection des végétaux au Burkina Faso 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Burkina Faso Réunion des responsables des ONPV de l’Afrique de l’Ouest pour la mise en place de la Task-force régionale pour la Surveillance, la Prévention et la Lutte contre les nuisibles des cultures. Tenu du 07 au 08 août 2017 à Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
NRO_training Nauru Conditions 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Marshall Islands RMI Biosecurity Bill 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Papua New Guinea Draft Biosecurity Bill 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Palau Biosecurity Act 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Cook Islands Biosecurity Act 2008 10 Aug 2017 10 Aug 2017
Myanmar New model of PhytosanitaryCertificate and Import Certificate 28 Aug 2017 28 Aug 2017
Myanmar Request for Import Certificate No. 28 Aug 2017 28 Aug 2017
Togo Direction de la protection des végétaux 30 Aug 2017 30 Aug 2017
Australia - 13 Sep 2017 10 Aug 2021
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the decret portant reglementation phytosanitaire 11 Oct 2017 24 Dec 2019
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the lois portant principes fondamentaux de l'agriculture 11 Oct 2017 24 Dec 2019
Australia - 01 Nov 2017 10 Aug 2021
Serbia Valid forms of Phytosanitary Certificates 07 Nov 2017 07 Nov 2017
Libya The executive regulations for phytosanitary (2012) 15 Nov 2017 15 Nov 2017
Libya Ministerial Decree No. 444 / 2016 15 Nov 2017 15 Nov 2017
Libya Ministerial Decision No. 214 / 2017 15 Nov 2017 15 Nov 2017
Australia - 17 Nov 2017 13 Sep 2021
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 050-2017: Declarar 180 km2 como Área Libre de Moscas de la Fruta (Anastrepha spp. y Ceratitis capitata), Ubicada en El Jícaral, Departamento de León, Comprendida en la Zona Norte del Lago Xolotlán 13 Dec 2017 22 Jun 2018
Iraq Model of Iraqi Phytosanitary Certificate for Agricultural and Agricultural by Products Exports 21 Dec 2017 28 Apr 2020
Australia - 15 Jan 2018 10 Aug 2021
Libya Ministerial decree No. 851/2017 22 Jan 2018 22 Jan 2018
Nicaragua Certificado Fitosanitario de Exportación 31 Jan 2018 31 Jan 2018
Nicaragua Certificado Fitosanitario para la Reexportación 31 Jan 2018 22 Jun 2018
Sri Lanka Change of Phytosanitary certificates 20 Feb 2018 12 Mar 2018
Uzbekistan Updated Phytosanitary certificate 10 Mar 2018 20 Apr 2022
Uzbekistan Expired Quarantine License 10 Mar 2018 26 Apr 2022
Georgia Annex 1 of Government Decree #463 16 Apr 2018 17 Jun 2021
Georgia List of quarantine pests of Georgia 16 Apr 2018 17 Jun 2021
Belarus List of regulated products 24 May 2018 15 Dec 2021
Nicaragua NTON 11 013-16. Primera Revisión. Medidas Fitosanitarias. Embalaje de Madera. 22 Jun 2018 22 Jun 2018
Nicaragua NTON 11 047-15 Certificación de Material de Propagación Yuca, Quequisque y Malanga 22 Jun 2018 22 Jun 2018
Nicaragua NTON 11 046-14 Certificación de Material de Propagación Musáceas 22 Jun 2018 22 Jun 2018
Nicaragua NTON 11 045-14 Certificación de Semilla Sexual. Café (Coffea arabica L.) 22 Jun 2018 25 Jun 2018
Nicaragua NTON 11 042-14 Certificación de Material de Propagación Cacao 22 Jun 2018 22 Jun 2018
Morocco Régelementation phytosanitaire 25 Jun 2018 25 Jun 2018
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of EL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SALUD AGRÍCOLA INTEGRAL (INSAI) 27 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of Legislación fitosanitaria 27 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of Ley del INSAI 27 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of Resolución actualizada sobre Embalajes de Madera 27 Jun 2018 27 Jun 2018
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of listado de normas 28 Jun 2018 28 Jun 2018
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of Ley de salud Agricola 28 Jun 2018 28 Jun 2018
Switzerland Ordinance on phytosanitary measures for agriculture and horticulture (OpM-FOAG) 11 Jul 2018 21 Dec 2022
Switzerland Ordinance on phytosanitary measures for forestry (OpM-FOEN) 11 Jul 2018 21 Dec 2022
Bahrain Import 05 Aug 2018 19 Aug 2018
Bahrain Export and Re-export 05 Aug 2018 19 Aug 2018
Iran- Islamic Republic of New form of PC for Re-Export 14 Aug 2018 14 Aug 2018
Hungary Export Phytosanitary Certficate of Hungary 08 Sep 2018 08 Sep 2018
Hungary Protocol of rejection 08 Sep 2018 08 Sep 2018
Hungary Reexport Phytosanitary Certficate of Hungary 08 Sep 2018 08 Sep 2018
Republic of Türkiye New Phytosanitary Certificate 06 Dec 2018 06 Dec 2018
Republic of Türkiye New Re-Export Phytosanitary Certificate 06 Dec 2018 06 Dec 2018
Republic of Türkiye New PC Additional Decleration 06 Dec 2018 06 Dec 2018
Finland Phytosanitary certificate and Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-export 13 Dec 2018 13 Dec 2018
Mozambique Harmonized pest list for seed-addendum to the annex one of the phytosanitary and quarantine regulation 07 Jan 2019 07 Jan 2019
Greece Phytosanitary requirements for Greece 20 Jan 2019 20 Jan 2019
Greece Phytosanitary requirements for Greece 20 Jan 2019 20 Jan 2019
Nicaragua Acuerdo Ministerial No. 006-2012 29 Jan 2019 29 Jan 2019
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 056 - 2018 Tarifas de los costos del servicio de emisión y reposición de certificados fitosanitarios y sanitarios de exportación 29 Jan 2019 29 Jan 2019
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 001 - 2019 Tarifas de los nuevos servicios no considerados en el Acuerdo Ministerial No. 006 - 2012 29 Jan 2019 29 Jan 2019
Chad Nouveau Certifacat Phytosanitaire du Tchad 15 May 2019 15 May 2019
Côte d'Ivoire Décret 89-02 du 04 Janvier 1989 05 Jun 2019 05 Jun 2019
Côte d'Ivoire Décret 89-02 du 04 Janvier 1989 05 Jun 2019 05 Jun 2019
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva 054-2019 Medidas Fitosanitarias para la Prevención de la Introducción de la Marchitez por Fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense raza 4 tropical) 06 Aug 2019 06 Aug 2019
New Caledonia Certificat phytosanitaire - specimen 21 Aug 2019 21 Aug 2019
Gabon Exigences, restrictions et interdictions phytosanitaires 22 Aug 2019 22 Aug 2019
Egypt The Egyptian Plant Quarantine Regulations 01 Sep 2019 05 Sep 2019
Egypt The Egyptian Plant Quarantine Regulations 01 Sep 2019 01 Sep 2019
Egypt The Egyptian Plant Quarantine Regulations 01 Sep 2019 01 Sep 2019
NRO_training The Palestinian Plant Quarantine Regulations 06 Sep 2019 06 Sep 2019
NRO_training faw 06 Sep 2019 06 Sep 2019
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Quarantine Law 06 Sep 2019 06 Sep 2019
Tunisia Liste des Végétaux et Produits Végétaux dont l'entrée en territoire Tunisien est Interdite 13 Sep 2019 26 Sep 2019
Tunisia Exigences Phytosanitaires à l'Importation 13 Sep 2019 03 Apr 2020
Tunisia Législation Phytosanitaire 26 Sep 2019 26 Sep 2019
Qatar Phytosanitary Requirements 29 Sep 2019 19 Mar 2023
Yemen Phytosanitary Requirements 29 Oct 2019 29 Oct 2019
Yemen Phytosanitary Requirements 29 Oct 2019 29 Oct 2019
Yemen Phytosanitary Certificate 29 Oct 2019 29 Oct 2019
Yemen Phytosanitary Certificate 29 Oct 2019 29 Oct 2019
Belarus Quarantine phytosanitary requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union 18 Nov 2019 19 Jan 2024
Belgium New PC model NPPO Belgium 29 Nov 2019 18 Jan 2021
South Africa NPPO of South Africa E-phyto implementation 11 Dec 2019 11 Dec 2019
Belgium New EU plant health rules applicable from 14/12/2019 16 Dec 2019 08 Apr 2022
Austria Model Phytosanitary Certificate 2020 17 Dec 2019 17 Dec 2019
Austria Model Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-Export 2020 17 Dec 2019 17 Dec 2019
Austria Phytosanitary Regulation 17 Dec 2019 17 Dec 2019
Austria National Legislation 17 Dec 2019 09 Jan 2020
Denmark Phytosanitary certificate of the NPPO of Denmark 19 Dec 2019 25 Aug 2021
Lithuania Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 of 28 November 2019 establishing uniform conditions for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and the Council, as regards protective measures against pests of plants, and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 690/2008 and amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2019 30 Dec 2019 30 Dec 2019
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 102-2019, aprobación del “Manual de Procedimientos de Inspección y Certificación Fitosanitaria” 06 Jan 2020 13 Mar 2020
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 103-2019, aprobación del “Manual de Procedimientos para la Vigilancia Fitosanitaria y Campañas en Nicaragua” 06 Jan 2020 06 Jan 2020
Austria National Legislation (secondary) 09 Jan 2020 09 Jan 2020
Ukraine Thе Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 15, 2019 No. 1177 07 Feb 2020 22 Jul 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 25 Aug 2023
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 24 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 25 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 24 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 24 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 24 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 24 Feb 2020 24 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 25 Feb 2020 25 Feb 2020
Gabon Lois et Réglementations au Gabon 25 Feb 2020 25 Feb 2020
Uzbekistan Phytosanitary Import Requirements 28 Feb 2020 15 Aug 2023
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva 020-2020 Servicio de Inspección en Origen 13 Mar 2020 13 Mar 2020
Nicaragua NTON 11 050-18 Medidas Fitosanitarias. Productos y subproductos de origen vegetal. Certificación Fitosanitaria. 26 Mar 2020 16 Apr 2020
Nicaragua Ley No. 1020, "Ley de Protección Fitosanitaria de Nicaragua" 26 Mar 2020 26 Mar 2020
Hungary New model of hungarian phytosanitary export and re-export certificate 09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020
Hungary New model of hungarian phytosanitary export and re-export certificate 09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020
Hungary New model of hungarian phytosanitary export and re-export certificate 09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020
Iraq Quarantine Law No. (76) For the year 2012 28 Apr 2020 28 Apr 2020
Philippines Importation of Plants, Planting Materials and Plant Products 29 Apr 2020 29 Apr 2020
Costa Rica Circular SENASA-SFE-R001-2020 08 Jun 2020 08 Jun 2020
Japan Plant Protection Act 11 Jun 2020 21 Jun 2022
Slovakia Model Phytosanitary Certificate 14 Jul 2020 19 Jan 2021
Qatar List of unalowed imports 26 Jul 2020 26 Jul 2020
Saint Kitts and Nevis Legislation: Phytosanitary requirements/ restrictions/prohibitions 14 Aug 2020 14 Aug 2020
Saint Kitts and Nevis Commodities and their Import requirements 14 Aug 2020 14 Aug 2020
Azerbaijan List of phytosanitary inspectors signing export phytosanitary certificates 26 Aug 2020 26 Aug 2020
Trinidad and Tobago PLANT PROTECTION ACT CHAPTER 63:56 28 Aug 2020 28 Aug 2020
Trinidad and Tobago Import Permits electronically 29 Aug 2020 29 Aug 2020
Iran- Islamic Republic of New format of the PC of Iran 19 Sep 2020 19 Sep 2020
Romania Legislation: Phytosanitary Requirements/Restrictions/Prohibitions 07 Oct 2020 07 Oct 2020
New Caledonia official notification 21 Oct 2020 21 Oct 2020
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Legal Notice 333 - The Plant Protection (Exemption from Import Permit) Order 2020 22 Oct 2020 22 Oct 2020
Switzerland Ordinance of the EAER and DETEC on the Plant Health Ordinance 09 Nov 2020 21 Dec 2022
United Kingdom Import requirements for seeds of Solanum lycopersicum and Capsicum spp. 17 Nov 2020 17 Nov 2020
Belgium New PC model NPPO Belgium from 23/01/2021 14 Jan 2021 08 Feb 2021
Denmark Phytosanitary certificate of the NPPO of Denmark 15 Jan 2021 26 Nov 2021
Finland Change of Phytosanitary Certificate of Finland 18 Jan 2021 18 Jan 2021
Slovenia Electronic and Paper-based Phytosanitary Certificates of the Slovenian NPPO 04 Feb 2021 05 Mar 2024
Zambia NEW ZAMBIAN PC 18 Feb 2021 18 Feb 2021
Belgium Royal Decree of 22 February 2021: New Belgian Royal Decree on protective measures against quarantine organisms in plants and plant products 29 Mar 2021 29 Mar 2021
Indonesia The new format of PC (according to Decree of Minister of Agriculture No 1/2021) 21 Apr 2021 21 Apr 2021
Paraguay Análisis de Riesgos de Plagas para el establecimiento de requisitos fitosanitarios de importación 19 May 2021 19 May 2021
Paraguay Emisión de la Acreditación Fitosanitaria de Importación (AFIDI) 19 May 2021 19 May 2021
Nicaragua Certificado Fitosanitario de Exportación 22 Jun 2021 09 Jul 2021
Nicaragua Certificado Fitosanitario de Reexportación 22 Jun 2021 22 Jun 2021
Azerbaijan Notification of emergency measures 12 Aug 2021 12 Aug 2021
Benin Législation phytosanitaire 13 Aug 2021 13 Aug 2021
The Republic of North Macedonia Phytosanitary requirements for plants, plant products and regulated objects at import 30 Aug 2021 13 Apr 2022
Lithuania Lithuanian phytosanitary certificate for export 31 Aug 2021 31 Aug 2021
Lithuania Lithuanian phytosanitary certificate for re-export 31 Aug 2021 31 Aug 2021
Lithuania Lithuanian pre-export certificate 31 Aug 2021 31 Aug 2021
Egypt Unofficial Translation of the Ministerial Decree № 562 /2019 of The Egyptian Plant Quarantine Regulations 24 Sep 2021 24 Sep 2021
Guinea La loi du 6 Août 1992 instituant le contrôle phytosanitaire des végétaux à l’importation et à l’exportation 29 Nov 2021 29 Nov 2021
New Zealand NZ phytosanitary certificates 17 Jan 2022 17 Jan 2022
Thailand Updated New Format of Thai Phytosanitary Certificate 17 Jan 2022 10 Aug 2022
Colombia Resolución 21112 de 2018. "Por medio de la cual se establecen los requisitos para el ingreso al país de muestras de material vegetal para análisis fisicoquímicos en laboratorio" 07 Feb 2022 07 Feb 2022
Colombia Resolución 24690 de 2018. "Por medio de la cual se establecen los requisitos fitosanitarios para el ingreso al país de maquinaria, equipos y/o vehículos usados" 07 Feb 2022 07 Feb 2022
Colombia Resolución 38438 de 2018. “Por medio de la cual se adoptan las medidas fitosanitarias para el embalaje de madera utilizado en el comercio internacional acorde a la Norma Internacional de Medidas Fitosanitarias (NIMF No.15) y se establecen los requisitos para el registro ante el ICA de operador autorizado para la aplicación del tratamiento y colocación del sello NIMF 15” 07 Feb 2022 07 Feb 2022
Colombia Resolución 1558 de 2010. "Por medio de la cual se dictan disposiciones para la importación y exportación de plantas, productos vegetales, artículos reglamentados, animales y sus productos" 07 Feb 2022 07 Feb 2022
Colombia Resolución 8071 de 2017. "Por medio de la cual se establece el sistema de perfilamiento de riesgos para las inspecciones de productos y subproductos de origen agropecuario importados y se crea el comité de perfilamiento de riesgos fitosanitarios y zoosanitarios" 07 Feb 2022 07 Feb 2022
Colombia Sistema de Información de Sanitaria para la Importación y Exportación de Productos Agrícolas y Pecuarios – SISPAP 07 Feb 2022 07 Feb 2022
Burundi Loi portant gestion des pesticides et loi portant protecau BURUNDI 25 Feb 2022 25 Feb 2022
Burundi Loi portant gestion des pesticides et loi portant protecau BURUNDI 25 Feb 2022 25 Feb 2022
Burkina Faso Arrêté 125_Liste ONQ BFA 2021 28 Feb 2022 28 Feb 2022
Kuwait Implementing Regulations for the Legislation of Seeds, Potato Seeds and Seedlings Approved by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries No.3/2013 in Kuwait (Ar.) 15 Mar 2022 15 Mar 2022
Kuwait Application for Permit to Import Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners 20 Mar 2022 20 Mar 2022
Trinidad and Tobago Plant Protection (Declaration of a Notifiable Disease) Order, 2022. 26 Mar 2022 26 Mar 2022
Trinidad and Tobago Plant Protection (Declaration of Notifiable Pests and Diseases) Order, 2020. 26 Mar 2022 26 Mar 2022
Trinidad and Tobago ePhyto - Trinidad and Tobago 05 Apr 2022 05 Apr 2022
Belgium Amendment of Implementing regulation (EU) 2019/2072, applicable from 11 April 2022 15 Apr 2022 15 Apr 2022
Uzbekistan Sample of updated quarantine permit 26 Apr 2022 26 Apr 2022
Finland Change of Phytosanitary Certificate of Finland 28 Apr 2022 28 Apr 2022
Peru New Phytosanitary Certificate 2022 (PERU) 12 May 2022 12 May 2022
United Kingdom Information on updates to GB plant health import requirements in November 2022 20 Jun 2022 20 Jun 2022
Azerbaijan . 04 Aug 2022 30 Aug 2022
Eswatini PLANT HEALTH PROTECTION ACT 2020 08 Sep 2022 08 Sep 2022
Kuwait Food Import requirements of Kuwait (Ar) 06 Oct 2022 06 Oct 2022
Kuwait Phytosanitary Certificate of Kuwait 19 Oct 2022 19 Oct 2022
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 005 – 2023 Declaratoria de Alerta Fitosanitaria y Aplicación de Medidas Fitosanitarias para la Prevención de la Introducción del Hongo que Provoca la Marchitez por Fusarium, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense raza 4 tropical (Foc R4T) 16 May 2023 16 May 2023
Nicaragua Resolución Ejecutiva No. 047-2023 Declaratoria de Alerta Fitosanitaria y Aplicación de Medidas Fitosanitarias para la Prevención de la Entrada, Establecimiento y Diseminación del Caracol Gigante Africano, (Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822) 01 Sep 2023 01 Sep 2023
Israel Notification from the State of Israel regarding the issuance of Electronic Phytosanitary Certificates, and the acceptance thereof 26 Oct 2023 02 Nov 2023
Uzbekistan List of products under plant quarantine control imported and exported to the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan 27 Nov 2023 27 Nov 2023
Venezuela- Bolivarian Republic of Changes in the validity of import permits and obligation to place the import permit number on the phytosanitary certificate 01 Dec 2023 01 Dec 2023
Montenegro Lists of harmful organisms for plants, plant products and objects under supervision 11 Dec 2023 27 Jun 2024
Montenegro Lists of harmful organisms for plants, plant products and objects under supervision 11 Dec 2023 11 Dec 2023
Montenegro Rulebook on phytosanitary measures for the introduction of plants and plant products presenting an unacceptable risk of harmful organisms 11 Dec 2023 22 Dec 2023
Lebanon Phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of fruit flies when importing types of fruit susceptible to infection 20 Dec 2023 20 Dec 2023
Vanuatu Legislation-Biosecurity Bill 19 Jan 2024 19 Jan 2024
Croatia Implementation of Phyto for export and re-export issued in TRACES (IMSOC) in Croatia starting since 2 April 2024 18 Mar 2024 18 Mar 2024
Kenya Additional Features on the Phytosanitary Certificate 06 Jun 2024 06 Jun 2024
Ecuador Phytosanitary Export Certificate 2024 14 Jun 2024 14 Jun 2024
Ecuador Phytosanitary import and export requirements 14 Jun 2024 14 Jun 2024
Cameroon Décision n°0976/18/D/MINADER/SG/DRCQ du 20 juillet 2018 fixant les modalités de production et de certification des fruits et légumes destinés à l’exportation 10 Jul 2024 10 Jul 2024