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The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM)

The IPPC is governed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM), which was established under Article XII of the New Revised Text of the IPPC, approved in 1997, and serves as the Convention's governing body, while also being a FAO Statutory Body .

CPM was established in 2005 building on the Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures (CEPM), whose first session was held in 1993.

CPM role

CPM normally meets every year in March or April at FAO headquarters to promote cooperation of contracting parties and relevant stakeholders to help implement the objectives of the IPPC .

In particular, the Commission:

  • reviews the state of plant protection around the world
  • identifies action to control the spread of pests into new areas
  • develops and adopts international standards
  • establishes rules and procedures for resolving disputes
  • adopts guidelines for the recognition of regional plant protection organizations; and
  • cooperates with international organizations on matters covered by the Convention

Commission meetings are attended by IPPC contracting parties and by observers from organizations such as the Regional Plant Protection Organizations, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Standards and Trade Development Facility, the World Customs Organization, and the World Trade Organization, among others. A full list of CPM observers can be found on the IPPC website .

CPM normally also hosts a scientific session for discussion of important issues. Past sessions have covered topics such as pest movements through food aid shipments and the potential impact of climate change on the spread of invasive alien species.

Go to CPM 19 page

See all CPM and ICPM Sessions and Reports.

   List of Chairpersons / vice-Chairpersons