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European Food Safety Authority EFSA) Survey on climate change and emerging risks for food safety including plant and animal health CLEFSA)

Posted on Tue, 13 Feb 2018, 10:32

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is launching until the 7th of March 2018 a survey on c…

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New IPPC Secretariat guide Preparing a national phytosanitary capacity development strategy now available!

Posted on Mon, 12 Feb 2018, 15:07

The IPPC Secretariat published a new guide Preparing a national phytosanitary capacity developme…

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The Reports of the October and November virtual Meetings of the TPPT are posted!

Posted on Fri, 09 Feb 2018, 09:54

The reports of the two virtual meetings of the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments (TPPT…

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e-learning course 'Introduction to the International Plant Protection Convention' is available

Posted on Thu, 01 Feb 2018, 14:34

The IPPC Secretariat would like to announce that an Read more  

New IRSS report available

Posted on Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 15:41

In the framework of the Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) and the pilot project on…

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The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee!

Posted on Wed, 17 Jan 2018, 15:34

The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee is…

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The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Sea Containers Task Force Meeting!

Posted on Tue, 16 Jan 2018, 16:54

The Report of the First Meeting of the IPPC Sea Containers Task Force Meeting is posted and is …

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Upcoming cutoff date of the Call for phytosanitary treatments

Posted on Tue, 16 Jan 2018, 14:20

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting submissions for:<…

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IPPC Vacancy Announcement: Call for expressions of interest

Posted on Wed, 10 Jan 2018, 11:24

Please be informed that the following vacancy announcement has been posted:


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The Report of the 2017 November Standards Committee meeting is posted!

Posted on Fri, 01 Dec 2017, 10:45

The Report for the 2017 November Standards Committee meeting held on the 13 -17 of November in R…

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29th Technical Consultation among RPPOs Report available now on the IPP

Posted on Fri, 01 Dec 2017, 08:45

The 29th Technical Consultation among RPPOs (TC-RPPO) was held from the 30th October - 3 Novembe…

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IPPC videos on FAO YouTube channel

Posted on Wed, 29 Nov 2017, 13:19

This is to inform that IPPC videos have been transferred to the FAO YouTube channel and are now …

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Third IPPC IYPH Steering Committee Meeting Report

Posted on Tue, 28 Nov 2017, 13:35

The report of the third IPPC IYPH Steering Committee meeting has been posted at the following li…

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Update: 3rd IPPC Global Symposium on ePhyto

Posted on Thu, 16 Nov 2017, 15:21

Dear Registered guests,

Please note that the hotel booking form has been uploaded on the…

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