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Training Workshop on Indigenous Biological Control Agents of the Fall Armyworm

Posted on Mon, 10 Dec 2018, 11:14

A Training Workshop on Indigenous Biological Control Agents of the Fall Armyworm: Techni…

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The European Master Degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems

Posted on Thu, 29 Nov 2018, 10:39

New opportunity for young plant health specialists to build their capacity through the E…

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The Expert Consultation on Draft Diagnostic Protocols on IPP is now open

Posted on Wed, 28 Nov 2018, 14:36

The 2018-11 Expert Consultation on Draft Diagnostic Protocols on IPP is now open for:

The SPG 2018 meeting report is reposted with some edits!

Posted on Tue, 27 Nov 2018, 10:49

The report on the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) meeting is now reposted with some edits Posted…

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Vacancy announcement - Agricultural Officer P2)

Posted on Sat, 17 Nov 2018, 07:30

Vacancy Announcement IRC5924 - Agricultural Officer (IPPC Technical Support) P-2 has been issued…

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New website on Fall Armyworm launched

Posted on Thu, 15 Nov 2018, 13:59

FAO has launched a new website to help countr…

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The report on the Strategic Planning Group SPG) meeting is now posted

Posted on Thu, 15 Nov 2018, 13:35

The Strat…

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UN General Assembly Second Committee approves IYPH resolution

Posted on Fri, 09 Nov 2018, 06:21

New York, 8 November 2018. The Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) ha…

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International Conference on 'Fall Armyworm Research-for-Development - Status and Priorities for Africa

Posted on Wed, 07 Nov 2018, 08:19

The International Conference on Fall Armyworm Research-for-Development - Status and Priorities f…

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The Report of the Task Force on Topics October 2018 meeting is now posted!

Posted on Tue, 06 Nov 2018, 14:51

The Task Force on Topics meeting was held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy from 1-3 October 2018…

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The 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria ICPPB)

Posted on Thu, 01 Nov 2018, 11:28

The 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (ICPPB) will be held in Assisi (U…

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Deadline extended: Call for experts for TPPT and EWG on Audits in the Phytosanitary Context

Posted on Tue, 30 Oct 2018, 08:32

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting nominations for a…

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IPBES call for experts on invasive alien species

Posted on Sat, 20 Oct 2018, 22:43

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has…

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Important communication on International Year of Plant Health En Fr ES

Posted on Fri, 12 Oct 2018, 13:02

Dear NPPOs and RPPOs,

As you are aware, we are getting close to the decision to proclaim …

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