Other meeting rooms

Photo gallery
Photo 26: Side Room to the Plenary Room
Photo 27: Entrance to the Pakistan Room
Photo 28: View of the Green Room
Photo 29: Access door to the Central Hall
Photo 30: Central Hall
Photo 31: Sign indicating the Iran Room and Photo 32: Stairs to the Iran Room.
Photo 33: Bank
Photo 34: Stairs to second floor of Building D.
Side rooms
Located on one side of the Plenary Room, there is a room which is usually accessible through a side door. Bilateral or regional meetings are usually held in this room during the CPM week. (Photo 26)
Rooms for CPM side sessions
Following the review of the agenda on the first plenary session, a decision will be made with respect to the order in which agenda items will be discussed, as well as the time and location of side sessions. These sessions are held in different rooms, some of which may be located in the same building as the Plenary Room (Building A), or in rooms located in other buildings.
The rooms most frequently used in Building A for side sessions are the Green Room, the red room and the Pakistan Room, located on the first floor, and the Canada Room, located on the third floor. (Photos 27 and 28).
The Iran Room, located on the first floor of Building B, is also used quite frequently. Access to this room is through the main entrance of FAO building, climbing the entrance stairway, and crossing the Central Hall (Photos 29 and 30).
Once you have crossed the Central Hall, immediately next to the flag room, there is a sign indicating the Iran Room, and the stairs leading to it. (Photos 31 and 32)
Other rooms that are frequently used are the Mexico Room and the Lebanon Room, which are located on the second floor of Building D. To get to these rooms, you must first cross the Central Hall and turn to the right. After passing the Bank (Photo 33), you will see the elevator or stairs to second floor where these rooms are located (Photo 34).

Access from Building A to the other buildings is not always possible from all floors. This is only possible from the ground floor, as well as from the second and third floors.