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Southern African countries improve the flow of information to support plant protection and trade

Posted on Пн, 18 Окт 2010, 08:10

Group discussionsDuring the SADC Plant Protection Committee Meeting of 2009 and also at the 5th Session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-5) held in Rome in March 2010, the SADC Secretariat was requested by its member states to convene …

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IPPC strategizing for the next 10 years

Posted on Пт, 15 Окт 2010, 08:10

SPTA discussionsPlant pests threaten agriculture and rural communities, food security, plant biodiversity and natural habitats and ecosystems around the world. New pests are constantly being identified and known pests are becoming more important because of trade and climate change, so …

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IPPC faces critical financial situation in 2011

Posted on Пт, 15 Окт 2010, 08:10

The IPPC is currently facing a budget crisis. The 2011 budget estimates (USD) required to operate a similar work programme to that in 2010, are $4,947,000. The funds available at the moment for 2011 are $3,701,000, meaning the anticipated shortfall …

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International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures available in Portuguese / Normas Internacionais Para Medidas Fitossanitárias disponíveis em Português

Posted on Пт, 08 Окт 2010, 08:10

The International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures are now available on the IPP in Portuguese, courtesy of the Brazilian Ministèrio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento.

To access the standards in Portuguese, go to the following page and click on the ISPM …

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New Zealand funding to support upcoming meeting on e-certification

Posted on Пт, 24 Сен 2010, 08:10

Row of computersThe issuance of phytosanitary certificates is one of the key responsibilities of National Plant Protection Organizations. In 2009, an international meeting on e-certification was held in Canada - click here to learn more. Following up on this meeting, …

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Postponement of the Expert Meeting on Resource Mobilization

Posted on Вт, 14 Сен 2010, 08:10

The IPPC Secretariat has postponed the Expert Meeting on Resource Mobilization from 27th September to 1st of October after consultation with the CPM Bureau. This unfortunate decision was made due to the small number of the nominations and country comments …

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Maldives includes the IPPC in its master plan

Posted on Чт, 02 Сен 2010, 08:10

Maldives Technical Cooperation ProjectWhen the Republic of the Maldives entered into the process of formulating its Agricultural Master Plan, it was recognized that appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for plant health were key components necessary for supporting the national agricultural …

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Use of the PCE as a tool to improve plant biosecurity in the Pacific region

Posted on Ср, 25 Авг 2010, 08:10

Taro root beetle (Papuana woodlarkiana) - photo by Amy Carmichael Queensland University of TechnologyThe Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation (PCE) tool was developed by the IPPC Secretariat as a tool for use by countries to self assess their capacity to implement the …

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COPE to respond to phytosanitary needs in Eastern Africa

Posted on Пн, 23 Авг 2010, 08:10

Group photo - COPE Project Management Committee

The Centre of Phytosanitary Excellence (COPE) in Eastern Africa is being established with support from the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF). COPE s mission is to provide phytosanitary capacity building services to …

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Australian funds support raising awareness about the IPPC

Posted on Чт, 12 Авг 2010, 08:10

Fruit fly exclusion zone in Australia, photo by LonghairIPPC member countries share the common goal of Cooperation between nations in protecting the world s cultivated and natural plant resources from the spread and introduction of pests of plants, while minimizing …

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Technical Panel talks Treatments From Melon Flies to Microwave Irradiation

Posted on Чт, 12 Авг 2010, 08:10

The Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments met in Kyoto, Japan July 26-30, 2010.

There were a total of 33 treatments to be considered by the Panel. Of these, 19 were treatments the Panel had previously considered including some that had …

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New Zealand supports working group on Minimizing pest movement by sea containers

Posted on Пт, 06 Авг 2010, 08:10

Loading sea containersA donation of USD 50,000 from New Zealand''s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) will finance an expert working group (EWG) to prepare a draft standard on Minimizing pest movement by sea containers and conveyances in international trade. …

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Valuable support from the EU supports participation in IPPC work programme

Posted on Чт, 05 Авг 2010, 08:10

Discussions during workshop on draft ISPMsTo ensure that the work of the IPPC is relevant, of high quality and acceptable to the membership as a whole, it is vitally important that contracting parties participate in the key meetings that establish …

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The IPPC joins forces with other Secretariats to address invasive alien species

Posted on Пт, 09 Июл 2010, 08:10

Yukio Yokoi (IPPC Secretary) & Bernard Vallat (OIE Director General)Mr. Yukio Yokoi, the Secretary of the International Plant Protection Convention, attended a meeting of the Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species, held 17-18th of June at the headquarters of …

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