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Side event on the new Plant Health Regime in the European Union organized at CPM-12 in Incheon Republic of Korea

Posted on Пн, 10 Апр 2017, 01:24

The European Union organized a side session on its new plant health regime, including new laws, strategy, and updated approach in preventing new pests from entering the EU.

Harry Arijs, Deputy Head of the European Commission s DG Health and …

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Side event on IPPC in Asia organized at CPM-12 in Incheon Republic of Korea

Posted on Вс, 09 Апр 2017, 23:21

The Republic of Korea together with the APPPC organized a CPM-12 side session on the IPPC in Asia attended by over 100 participants. The side session s objective was to highlight the different phases of development of plant quarantine in …

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Side event on Trade and Facilitation and ePhyto organized CPM-12 in Incheon Republic of Korea

Posted on Вс, 09 Апр 2017, 23:00

Over 100 participants attended the CPM-12 side session on ePhyto.

The Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) adopted in 2014 commits countries to expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods, including plants and plant products and to reduce the trade transactional …

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Side event on Benefits of the IPPC organized at CPM-12 in Incheon Republic of Korea

Posted on Сб, 08 Апр 2017, 05:57

The IPPC Secretariat presented a CPM-12 side session on the Benefits of the IPPC to over 100 participants of CPM-12. The session covered the highlights of the CPM Bureau commissioned study Analyzing the benefits of implementing the IPPC, and brought …

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Trading healthy seeds to ensure a healthy future

Posted on Сб, 08 Апр 2017, 01:34

The world wants more international standards on plant health and proof of this is the record number of standards that were adopted by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) today in Incheon, Korea. An unprecedented 26 standards had been submitted …

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Webcast and Twitter storm of CPM-12 Special Topic session

Posted on Пт, 07 Апр 2017, 07:33

The CPM-12 special topic session will be webcast live on Monday 10 April from 3:00 to 5:00 pm (Incheon, Republic of Korea local time).

You can follow it here.

Please also note that a Twitter storm is organized through …

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Important Start for Development of IPPC ePhyto Hub

Posted on Пт, 07 Апр 2017, 07:29

On March 30th 2017, Mr. Shane Sela, the ePhyto Project Manager of the IPPC Secretariat had a meeting with Mr. Simon Jones, Director of UNICC , Mr. Venkat Vekateswaran, Mr. Shashank Rai and Mr. Oliver Neff of the United Nations …

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The Twelfth Session of the Commission of Phytosanitary Measures Ceremoniously Opened in Incheon the Republic of Korea

Posted on Чт, 06 Апр 2017, 13:01

The twelfth Session of the Commission of Phytosanitary Measures (CPM 12) was ceremoniously opened at the Songdo Convensia, Incheon, the Republic of Korea, in the afternoon of 5 April 2017. This is the first CPM that is held outside of …

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Ministers endorse action plan to stop spread of Red Palm Weevil

Posted on Чт, 06 Апр 2017, 12:29

The final day of a three day event 29 - 31 March 2017, to debate and define an international action plan to stop the spread of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) brought together agricultural ministers and decision makers to review …

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Close Cooperation of the IPPC with Canada in the Phytosanitary Areas

Posted on Чт, 06 Апр 2017, 08:28

A bilateral meeting between the IPPC Secretariat and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) was held at the Oakwood Hotel in Incheon, Republic of Korea, on 3 April 2017 just before the CPM 12. The delegation of the IPPC, led …

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The IPPC-SPS Side Event on Trade Facilitation held in Geneva

Posted on Ср, 05 Апр 2017, 08:42

Copyright IPPC 2017 - IPPC Secretariat participates in the STDF Working Group meeting March 2017

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) Working Group (WG) meeting was held from 20 - 21 March 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. Ketevan Lomsadze, IPPC …

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Webcast of CPM12 Opening session UPDATED LINK

Posted on Ср, 05 Апр 2017, 06:00

The CPM-12 opening session was webcast live on Wednesday 5 April at 2:00 pm (Incheon, Republic of Korea local time). You can find the recording of the session here.

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The 6th IPPC Seminar on the Contribution of the IPPC to stop the spread of the Red Palm Weevil Pest

Posted on Пн, 03 Апр 2017, 09:11

The 6th IPPC Seminar on Stop the Red Palm Weevil: Contribution of the IPPC to prevent the spread of this pest took place in the FAO Headquarters on March 29th 2017. The seminar was chaired by IPPC Secretary Jingyuan Xia, …

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Major Achievements of the Task Force for Resource Mobilization of the IPPC Secretariat for 2016 and its Key Activities for 2017

Posted on Ср, 29 Мар 2017, 17:23

With the purpose to assist the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat in ensuring sustainable and sufficient funding in order to fulfil the IPPC strategic objectives, the Task Force for Resource Mobilization (TFRM) had a very productive 2016 year. The …

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