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Learn about the IPPC Global Project on Capacity Development under the framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme and its contribution to the CPM priorities

Posted on Вт, 21 Май 2019, 14:58

The new webpage presenting all activities of the IPPC Global Project on Capacity Development under the framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme has just been released. The implementation and capacity development activities of this project contribute fully to CPM …

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CPM Bureau report posted

Posted on Пт, 17 Май 2019, 13:05

The report of the CPM Bureau meeting held in March-April 2019 at FAO HQs in Rome has now been posted at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/static/media/files/publication/en/2019/05/Report_Bureau-2019_March-2019-05-17.pdf

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We are hiring - IPPC English Report Writer and Editor

Posted on Пт, 10 Май 2019, 13:15

IPPC English Report Writer and Editor at the IPPC Secretariat, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) HQs in Rome.

To apply please click here: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=1901042&tz=GMT%2B02:00&tzname

Deadline for applications: 30 May 2019

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New! Guidelines for the prevention eradication and containment of Xylella fastidiosa in olive-growing areas

Posted on Чт, 09 Май 2019, 12:25

Guidelines for the prevention, eradication and containment of Xylella fastidiosa in olive-growing areas is a new IPPC-FAO publication on Xylella fastidiosa. Now available online, the publication explains what Xylella fastidiosa is, how it can be detected and how …

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Fifth IPPC IYPH Steering Committee meeting Report posted!

Posted on Ср, 08 Май 2019, 11:10

The report of the fifth meeting of the IPPC IYPH Steering Committee (now IYPH Technical Advisory Board) is available at the following link: https://www.ippc.int/en/iyph/

The direct link is available here.

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We are hiring - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - IPPC Project Management and Implementation Specialists

Posted on Пт, 03 Май 2019, 07:22

Short term consultancy based at the IPPC, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) HQs in Rome.

To apply please click here: https://jobs.fao.org/careersection/fao_external/jobdetail.ftl?job=1900938&tz=GMT%2B02%3A00&tzname=

Deadline for applications: 16 May 2019

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Contaminating pests associated with traded goods: Call for interested experts to be part of the virtual group to assist with the CPM Recommendation

Posted on Вт, 30 Апр 2019, 14:04

The CPM-14 agreed to include in its work programme the topic for a CPM Recommendation on Facilitating safe trade by reducing the incidence of contaminating pests associated with traded goods.

This topic was proposed by Australia with support from New …

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Invasive Alien Species: Invitation to the Online Discussion Forum

Posted on Ср, 10 Апр 2019, 09:44

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity organized a moderated online discussion forum on matters related to invasive alien species, with the following timetable:

  • 1 - 31 May 2019: Methods for cost-benefit analysis
  • 1 - 30 June 2019: Methods, …

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The IPPC Plant Pest Surveillance Guide now in Spanish!

Posted on Вт, 09 Апр 2019, 12:21

Surveillance is at the core of phytosanitary activities. The IPPC Secretariat published in 2016 a guide for NPPOs to understand the principal requirements of surveillance programmes.

This guide was kindly translated in Spanish by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on …

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Call for human-interest stories on plant health for IYPH 2020

Posted on Вт, 09 Апр 2019, 11:18

At the CPM-14 session held last week, FAO and the IPPC Secretariat launched a call for human-interest stories on plant health. The call is intended to promote real stories about how plant health affects the lives of a variety …

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The IPPC Guidelines on Sea Container Surveys for NPPOs are now available in all FAO languages!

Posted on Пн, 01 Апр 2019, 07:41

The IPPC Guidelines on Sea Container Surveys provide guidance to national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) on how to inspect and record contamination details in a consistent and harmonized manner when undertaking the sea container cleanliness surveys. The Guidelines have been …

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Warning about phishing email

Posted on Чт, 28 Мар 2019, 15:37

Please be aware that some IPP user invited to CPM-14 has received fake phishing attempts by email that seems sent by IPPC.

In this fake email they are asking flight details, WhatsApp, Telegram and viber number.

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International Plant Protection Congress 2019: 2nd circular out

Posted on Вт, 26 Мар 2019, 10:41

The XIX International Plant Protection Congress will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 10 to 14 November 2019. Organized by the International Association for Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS), ICRISAT and the Crop Protection Societies in India, the 2019 Congress programme …

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Call for discussion papers for the Expert working group EWG) on Audit in the phytosanitary context 2015-014)

Posted on Пт, 22 Мар 2019, 15:26

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat is soliciting discussion papers in preparation for the meeting of the Expert Working Group (EWG) on Audit in the phytosanitary context (2015-014) which will take place from 3 to 7 June 2019 in …

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