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CPM 02 - 2007

Doc # Agenda # Заголовок Файлы Publications date
CPM 2007/11 10.7.1 Data collection on pest free areas in support of the IPPC feasibility study on the international recognition of pest free areas En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Янв 2007
00 Letter of invitation (NON-CONTRACTING PARTIES) En Es Fr Ar 16 Янв 2007
00 Model of credentials En Es Fr Ar 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/19 13.2 Informal Working Group on Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation Review of the CABI Analysis of the Application of the PCE Tool En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/18 13.1 Analysis of the Application of the PCE tool En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/23 10.4.1 Business Plan 2007-2011 En Es Fr Ar Zh 19 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/22 11.1 Details on information exchange and the International Phytosanitary Portal En Es Fr Ar Zh 22 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/15 15 Composition of CPM Bureau and Subsidiary Bodies En Es Fr Ar Zh 26 Янв 2007
00 Letter regarding funding (NON-CONTRACTING PARTIES) En Fr 26 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/26 10.5.3 Operational Plan 2007 En Es Fr Ar Zh 07 Фев 2007
Analysis of the application of the PCE tool - Report from CABI En 05 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/INF/10 08.3 Report on OIE activities (English only) En 20 Мар 2007
IPPC dispute settlement system En 01 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/3 09.2 Comments on draft standards: Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/4 09.2 Comments on draft standards: Recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/5 09.2 Comments on draft standards: Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae) En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/6 09.2 Comments on draft standards: Supplement to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms): Debarked and bark-free wood En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/7 09.1, 09.3, 09.4, 09.5, 10.1.2, 10.2.2, 10.7.2 Comments from the government of Japan En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/11 08.3 Announcing the Launch of a Knowledge Networking Programme in Support of the IPPC – An Initiative Under the Auspices of SADC En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/12 08.3 Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) report to the CPM En Es 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/14 09.4, 09.5, 09.7, 10.1.2 Terms of Reference of the Focus Group on the Review of IPPC Standard Setting Procedures En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/15 10.8.1 Comments from Argentina on Annex 1 of CPM 2007/30 En Es 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/17 01 Opening Statement Delivered by the FAO Director-General at the 2nd session of the CPM En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/INF/6 Rev.1 16 Tentative IPPC meeting calendar for 2007 (English only) En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/6 10.6 Potential funding arrangements of the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 02 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/5 09.4 Terms of reference and rules of procedure for technical panels En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/13 10.7.2 Composition and Terms of Reference for a working group to undertake a feasibility study on the international recognition of pest free areas En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/16 10.3.2 Statement of commitment En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/17 12.3 Terms of Reference for the Open-ended Working Group on Compliance En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/INF/1 07 Summary Report of the Eighteenth Technical Consultation among RPPOs En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/INF/2 05 Report by the CPM Chairperson En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/24 09.3 IPPC standard setting work programme En Es Fr Ar Zh 19 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/27 10.3.3 Declaration of Interests for Experts within the Framework of the IPPC En Es Fr Ar Zh 26 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/30 10.8.1 Independent Evaluation of the Workings of the IPPC and its Institutional Arrangements En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Фев 2007
CPM 2007/INF/7 08.1 Report on the Activities of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee and Other Relevant WTO Activities in 2006 (English only) En 19 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/INF/9 01.1 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States (English only) En 19 Мар 2007
Directory of NPPOs and RPPOs (up-to-date: 20 March 2007) En 20 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/8 08.3 Presentation by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) En 04 Фев 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/9 08.3 Report on the Montreal Protocol En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/18 14.2 Report on Promotion of the IPPC and Cooperation with Relevant International Organizations: Comments by the EU and its Member States En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/19 10.8.1 Questions of the EC and its Member States to the Evaluation Team En 03 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/9 10.5.4 Trust Fund for the IPPC: Budget for 2007 En Es Fr Ar Zh 02 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/10 10.1.2 Update of Annex I of the ROPs of the CPM on development and adoption of international standards En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/12 12.2 Amendments to the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Subsidiary Body on Dispute Settlement En Es Fr Ar Zh
--Please select--
08 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/14 09.5 Procedure and criteria for identifying topics for inclusion in the IPPC standard setting work programme En Es Fr Ar Zh
08 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/INF/3 10.2.1 Report of the First Meeting of the CPM Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 08 Янв 2007
00 Letter of invitation (CONTRACTING PARTIES) En Es Fr Ar
16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/20 10.2.2 Continuation of the CPM Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance En Es Fr Ar Zh 16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/INF/4 08.2 Report of the Convention on Biological Diversity En Es Fr Ar Zh
16 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/INF/5 09.1 Report by the Chairperson of the Standards Committee En Es Fr Ar Zh
19 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/21 06 Report by the Secretariat En Es Fr Ar Zh
22 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/28 14.2 Report on Promotion of the IPPC and Cooperation with Relevant International Organizations En Es Fr Ar Zh 26 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/1 Rev.1 02 Provisional agenda En Es Fr Ar Zh 26 Янв 2007
00 Letter regarding funding (CONTRACTING PARTIES) En Es Fr
26 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/29 10.3.4 Acceptance of documents in electronic format En Es Fr Ar Zh
07 Фев 2007
CPM 2007/31 09.7 Improvement of transparency in the development of ISPMs En Es Fr Ar Zh
--Please select--
14 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/INF/6 16 Tentative IPPC meeting calendar for 2007 (English only) En
19 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/INF/8 10.3.1 List of IPPC Contracting Parties (English only) En
19 Мар 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/1 09.2 Comments on draft standards: Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) En
02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/2 09.2 Comments on draft standards: Revision of ISPM No. 2 (Framework for pest risk analysis) En
02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/10 09.4 Comments from the Government of Chile on the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for Technical Panels En
02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/13 09.2 Additional comments on draft standards from Indonesia, Mauritania and Zambia En
02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/16 15 Membership and potential replacements for the SC and SBDS, and the core group of the SPTA En 02 Апр 2007
CPM 2007/CRP/20 10.2.2 Comments from Zambia on the evaluation of the IPPC En
03 Апр 2007
Draft Report of the IWG on Technical Assistance En
05 Окт 2007
CPM 2007/7 10.5.2 Trust Fund for the IPPC: Financial report 2006 En Es Fr Ar Zh 02 Янв 2007
CPM 2007/8 14.1 Liaison with Research, Education and Other Institutes En Es Fr Ar Zh 02 Янв 2007
00 20 March. List of documents posted on the IPP, by agenda item En 20 Мар 2007

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