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Current notification period for DPs



The Standard Committee (SC) approved the following draft diagnostic protocols (DPs) for the DP notification period:

1. Revision of DP 09 Genus Anastrepha (2021-002)

2. Revision of DP 25 Xylella fastidiosa (2021-003)

3. Revision of DP 27 Ips spp. (2021-004)

Contracting parties have 45 days to review the approved DPs and submit an objection, if any, along with a technical justification and suggestions for improvement of the approved DP. If no objection is received, the DP is considered adopted by the SC on behalf of the CPM.

This notification period starts on 1 July 2024 and ends on 15 August 2024. An objection should be sent through the official IPPC contact point and submitted to the IPPC Secretariat via e-mail at [email protected].


According to stage 4 of the Standard Setting process, Adoption and publication, if a contracting party (CP) does not support the adoption of a draft ISPM, the CP may submit an objection. The objection must be submitted to the Secretariat and must be accompanied by technical justification and suggestions for improvement of the draft ISPM. A template for objections can be found here: https://www.ippc.int/en/publications/85331/. The Secretariat will make available all objections received.

For draft Diagnostic Protocols (DPs), the CPM has delegated its authority to adopt DPs on its behalf to the Standards Committee (SC). Once the SC approves the DP, the Secretariat makes it available and contracting parties are notified.

The notification period for approved DPs is opened twice a year, on the following dates:

  • from 01 July to 15 August

  • from 05 January to 20 February

Contracting parties have 45 days to review the approved DP and submit an objection, if any. If no objection is received, the DP is considered adopted by SC on behalf of the CPM. DPs adopted through this process are noted by the CPM and attached to the report of the CPM meeting.

Objections for approved draft diagnostic protocols must be submitted to the IPPC Secretariat via e-mail [email protected] by the IPPC Official Contact Point.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the IPPC Secretariat at [email protected].

For requesting translation of draft diagnostic protocols (DPs) into the FAO languages the mechanism posted on the IPP at https://www.ippc.int/en/core-activities/standards-setting/notification-period-dps/mechanism-translate-diagnostic-protocols-languages/ should be followed.


Please note that a document containing the history of DP notification periods as well as previous DP notification periods submitted are also available.

This web page was last reviewed on 2023-06-26. For queries or comments regarding the contents on this page, please contact [email protected] and [email protected]

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Topic # Заголовок Файлы Publications date
2021-002 Responses to Consultation Comments for Revision of DP 09 Genus Anastrepha (2021-002)
21 Июн 2024
2021-003 Responses to Consultation Comments for Revision of DP 25 Xylella fastidiosa (2021-003)
21 Июн 2024
2021-004 Responses to Consultation Comments for Revision of DP 27 Ips spp. (2021-004)
21 Июн 2024
2021-002 Draft revision of DP 9: Genus Anastrepha (2021-002) En 27 Июн 2024
2021-003 Draft revision of DP 25: Xylella fastidiosa (2021-003) En 27 Июн 2024
2021-004 Draft revision of DP 27 Ips spp. (2021-004) En 27 Июн 2024

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