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Approved specifications

Specifications serve as a term of reference for the Expert Drafting Group (EDG) (i.e. expert working group (EWG) or TP) responsible for developing an ISPM. They provide guidance on the scope of the standard and on the tasks expected of the EDG. Specifications for ISPMs are reviewed, revised and approved by the Standards Committee (SC).

Specifications for ISPMs are clear and precise guidelines that an expert drafting group (EDG) should follow when drafting or revising a standard. Specifications are drafted by, or under the auspices of, the IPPC Secretariat, steward and the Standards Committee after direction is given by the Commission as to the standard’s priority. The specifications are sent for consultation and then reviewed, revised and approved by the SC.

Approved specifications for adopted ISPMs can be found in the subpage in the menu on the right.

Approved specifications for draft ISPMs under development are posted below.

This web page was last updated on 2025-02-04. For queries or comments regarding the contents of this page, please contact [email protected].

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Заголовок Файлы Publications date
Specification TP 2 - Technical Panel on Pest Free Areas and Systems Approaches for Fruit Flies En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification TP 5 - Technical Panel for the Glossary (2016) En Es Fr 20 Июн 2016
Specification 43 - Movement of soil and growing media in association with plants in international trade En Es
07 Янв 2013
Specification 46 - Management of phytosanitary risks in the international movement of wood En Es
07 Янв 2013
Specification 48 - International movement of used vehicles, machinery and equipment En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification TP 4 - Technical Panel on Forest Quarantine En Es Fr 12 Июл 2013
Specification TP 1 - Technical Panel on Diagnostic Protocols En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification 23 - Guidelines for surveillance for specific pests: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (citrus canker) Es Fr
07 Янв 2013
Specification 42 - Pre-clearance for regulated articles En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification TP 3 - Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments En Es Fr 16 Фев 2016
Specification 50 - Protocol to determine host status of fruits to fruit fly (Tephritidae) infestation En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification 51 - Minimizing pest movement by sea containers and conveyances in international trade En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification 52 - Minimizing Pest Movement by Air Containers and Aircrafts En Es Fr
11 Мар 2013
Specification 55 - Safe handling and disposal of waste with potential pest risk generated during international voyages Es Fr
07 Янв 2013
Specification 08 - Efficacy of measures: concept and application Es Fr
07 Янв 2013
Specification 56 - International movement of cut flowers and branches En Es Fr 07 Янв 2013
Specification 57 - International movement of wood products and handicrafts made from wood En Es Fr 16 Дек 2013
Specification 68 - Supplement on Guidance on the concept of probability of transfer to a suitable host and establishment as used in a pest risk analysis for quarantine pests (2015-010) to ISPM 11 (Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests) En Es Fr 06 Дек 2018
Specification 69 - Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood En Es Fr 10 Дек 2018
Specification 63 - Guidance on pest risk management En Es Fr 30 Ноя 2015
Specification 72 - Reorganization and revision of pest risk analysis standards En Es Fr 19 Янв 2022
Specification 70 - Annex Design and use of systems approaches for phytosanitary certification of seeds to ISPM 38 (International movement of seeds) En Es Fr 21 Янв 2021
Specification TP 6 - Technical Panel on Commodity Standards En Es Fr 27 Мар 2024
Specification 60 - International movement of grain En Es Fr 28 Май 2014
Specification 73 - Annex International movement of fresh mango (Mangifera indica) fruit to ISPM 46 En Es Fr 12 Янв 2023
Specification 74 - Annex Field inspection to ISPM 23 En Es Fr 12 Янв 2023
Specification 75 - Revision of ISPM 26 (Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)) En Es Fr 12 Янв 2023
Specification 76 - Revision of the draft reorganized pest risk analysis ISPM En 28 Мар 2025

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