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Agenda - 30 October – 03 November 2006

lun, 23 Oct 2006, 00:00
Handout no.01

Date: 30 October – 03 November 2006 Venue: Prague, Czech Republic The NPPO of the Czech Republic - the State Phytosanitary Administration (SPA) is co-organizing this training workshop with the IPPC Secretariat, the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and the Comenius - Czech Committee for Co-operation .

Contact details: c/o Ing. Jitka Mašková, e-mail: [email protected]; Tel.: (+420) 233022240; Fax: (+420) 233022226 Organized by: COMENIUS; Pan-European Society for Culture, Education and Scientific & Technical Co-operation; UN House, nám.Kinských 6, 150 37 Praha 5, Czech Republic Phone: +420 257 890 –111 (or Extensions -240, -241) Fax: +420 257 890 999 Email: [email protected]

The IPPC Secretariat contacts are: Mr. Dave Nowell ([email protected]) & Mr. Jan Breithaupt ([email protected]) Participating countries are: NPPOs of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Malta, Montenegro, Romania, Turkey, and Lebanon.

Date d'envoi
NRO and IPP training

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