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CIPV - L"histoire; pays membres et l’échange de l"information

ven, 02 Sep 2005, 00:00
Handout no.00
  • Historique
  • Les gouvernements des pays suivants ont déposé leur instrument d'acceptation des amendements
  • Le travail du Secrétariat de la CIPV
  • l'échange d'informations phytosanitaires officielles Note: As of September 2nd 2005, there were 139 contracting parties, among which 93 (67%) had accepted the New Revised Text. It was noted that the New Revised Text would enter into force after acceptance by two-thirds of the contracting parties to the IPPC; which has happened that day! Hence, the new revised text (1997) came into force on the thirtieth day after it was accepted by two-thirds of the contracting parties to the IPPC, which was the 2nd October 2005!
Date d'envoi
NRO and IPP training

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