World Bank
Senior Trade Facilitation Specialist
World Bank
Courriel: [email protected]
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The IPPC Secretariat and the World Bank/International Finance Corporation work together on projects that help Contracting Parties to the IPPC implement the Convention, the ISPMs and CPM Recommendations. In addition, the Bank is assisting a number of developing countries around the world to implement the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement; this effort includes the participation of National Plant Protection Organizations. The Bank also directly supports the Secretariat through a personnel arrangement and is currently in the process of finalizing a memorandum with the Secretariat which will outline additional areas of cooperation. Specifically the World Bank is a key participant with the IPPC Secretariat on Electronic Phytosanitary Certification (ePhyto) with a standing membership on the ePhyto Project Advisory Group .
For more informaition on the World Bank visit their website.