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United Nations Environment Programme


International Organizations Group

   Ms. Diane Klaimi

   Programme Management Officer - MEAs Support and Cooperation
  UNEP, PO. Box 30552-00100 United Nations Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya
  Phone: +254207625226
  Courriel: [email protected]
  Alternate Email: [email protected]
  Site web: https://www.unep.org/
  Date contact registration: 18 Jan 2021
   Brief Biography Cliquez pour afficher

   Description/expertise Cliquez pour afficher

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Having environmental protection as one of the IPPC's pillars, and the IPPC being one of the biodiversity-related conventions and a member of the Biodiversity Liaison Group, the IPPC Secretariat liaises with United Nations Environment Programme on a number of issues of common interest.

In particular, the IPPC Secretariat and UN Environment Programme are partners in the implementation of the project on synergies among biodiversity related conventions.