Posted on mar, 03 Avr 2018, 14:11
PCE Validation workshop help in Barbados in March 2018 © Ian Griffith
The third and final PCE validation mission for Barbados was conducted March 12 - 16, 2018 This mission was carried out by Mr. Fitzroy White, PCE Facilitator trained through STDF 401 Project to validate the work conducted during the 1st and 2nd PCE missions. The mission included a stakeholder s validation workshop, which brought together stakeholders who participated in the first two missions. The attendees included external stakeholders from the private sector, including plant importers and exporters, representatives from agricultural produce distribution companies, NPPO staff and the University of the West Indies. They were invited to see the results of their input in completing the modules of the PCE process. The Facilitator invited them to express their expectations of how the outcomes will benefit them in trade facilitation and plant protection.
The climax of the mission was a validation meeting with the Heads of Departments in the Ministry of Agriculture. Attendees included Mr Lennox Chandler, the Chief Agricultural Officer and Mr Leslie Brereton, Deputy Chief Agricultural Officer. The validation meeting was conducted in order to give the heads of department in the Ministry of Agriculture a full understanding of the PCE process. This opportunity also allowed them to endorse the phytosanitary capacity development strategy arising from the PCE process.
Presentations at the validation meeting were done Mr. Fitzroy White, PCE Facilitator, the PCE Coordinator Mr. Michael James, with assistance from Mr. Bret Taylor Plant Health Officer in the National Agriculture Heath and Food Control Programme, and Mr. Clyde Ian Griffith, Head of Plant Quarantine. Having gotten agreement on the proposed projects within development strategy the NPPO is now awaiting instructions from the appropriate higher Government Office. This will include resource mobilization within the NPPO and Government Offices whose portfolio includes project planning and implementing. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs shall also embark on the task of seeking donor funding for the proposed projects.
The successes of the PCE for Barbados include a draft Plant Protection Bill, with attendant Import and Export regulations. The following projects are proposed as part the strategic plan of the NPPO. The Development of an Action and Emergency Plan for Pests Outbreaks, the Establishment of a Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) Facility. Development and Implementation of a Strategic Plan for the NPPO and Human Resource Strategy and Action Plan. The Development of an Information Management Database System for National Plant Protection Organization, and the Development and Implementation of a Media Campaign for the NPPO. The various Ministry Departments and Units will now be engaged to take the process forward.